Best Funny Youtube Videos

Best Funny Youtube Videos, Movies & Vid Clips

Now that there are a billion videos on the net, it’s hard to find the very best funny videos without wasting your time on the others. Ths section of InnocentEnglish is dedicated to collecting only the very top funniest videos. It isn’t easy to make me laugh out loud, and every one of these passed that very strict and scientific Laughter quotient test. These are some funny videos! And more will be added regularly… So enjoy.

(And feel free to send me your recommendations,for the best and funniest videos…)

Laughing baby Video:
A very funny video of a baby laughing

[youtube NzQUtElQXX0 nolink]

Roller coaster video.
This kid is absolutely convinced he’s going to die. His mother doesn’t seem quite as concerned…

[youtube xSGJKYuLkNk nolink]

Funny Squirrels Video
[youtube JY3Vh5MZAtE nolink]

Funny Talking Cat video: These cats actually talk.
They may be plotting to take over the world right now…

[youtube wPUifmf5hv8 nolink]



Page Topic: Best Funny youtube Videos



2 thoughts on “Best Funny Youtube Videos”

  1. i am the girl that kept babbling on and on about herself and how she warned you that she would keep rambling well i cant 4 long now cuz i will miss the bus if i do! so just came 2 say ur lol!

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