Optical Illusion Pictures



alphabet optical illusion

Optical Illusion #51: Is the middle character a letter or a number?



cat couple illusion

Optical Illusion #52: A cat and two men sitting on a table.



pencils optical illusion

Optical Illusion #53: Count how many pencils there are in this image.



spinning girl illusion

Optical Illusion #54: Is this girl spinning clockwise or counterclockwise? Are you sure? Look at her shadow for a few seconds, and see if you can see her shadow feet turning the opposite way. Then look at her again. It can take a little time, but it is a very cool effect once you see it switch.



face optical illusion1

Optical Illusion #55: An image of a face hides behind the background.



forest face illusion2

Optical Illusion #56: Amazing illusion of a man’s face.



forest face illusion3

Optical Illusion #57:Amazing illusion of a woman’s face.



fruits face illusion

Optical Illusion #58: A head with lots of fruits.



two faces illusion

Optical Illusion #59: An old man, facing an old woman.



zoo drawing illusion

Optical Illusion #60: How many animal’s can you find in this picture?



Page Topic: Optical Illusion Pictures



22 thoughts on “Optical Illusion Pictures”

  1. i like it very much and im impressed about the girl spinning and it was easy but i can tell people can get confused by it

  2. i saw the dancer one b4 on youtube and i got it to move both ways by thinking about certain things, but i need to practice again for it to work

  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    try to find the – sign

  4. the dancer actually changes direction….look closely for a long while and you will notice that the dancer changes direction..its not actually optical illusion same for the pencil when u scroll down the picture changes.

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