Really Funny Stupid Questions

Funny Questions: The best of those stupid, dumb, funny, witty and silly questions. Some of them really make you think, some make your laugh, and some are just plain stupid…

Why is it that when someone tells you that there’s billions of stars in the universe, you believe them. But if they tell you there’s wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?

How can there be self-help “groups”?

Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?

I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoons and forks so I wondered mothers from Asian countries use? Toothpicks?

If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn’t zigzag?

Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts.

Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?

Do people who spend $2 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water know that spelling it backwards is Naive?

More Funny Questions and Stupid Questions

If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?

How did the man who invented cottage cheese know he was done?

Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?

How did a fool and his money get together?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

Can you get cavities in your dentures from using too much artificial sweetner?

Whose cruel idea was it for the word “Lisp” to have a “S” in it?

Why do you call it an asteroid when its outside the hemisphere, yet call it hemorrhoid when its in your ass?

Page Topic: Funny Questions and Stupid Questions: A collection of the best really dumb, funny, stupid, hilarious, cute and witty rhetorical questions that make you go hmmm.

827 thoughts on “Really Funny Stupid Questions”

  1. When you go to the dentist why do they give you a lolipop???
    If you had a bad dream in the morning would you call it a Morningmare or Nighmare???
    When you wake up in the morning you say good monring, but if you wake up in the night would you say goodnight???
    If a quiz is quizzicle what would a test be???

  2. who was the first person to look at a chicken say, im gonna eat the next thing that comes out of its ass?

  3. How do u know if webster miss spelled a word?
    How come the worlds best pancil is still a #2?
    How come the slowest time of day is called rush hour?

  4. Can a person who uses sign launguage talk with their mouth full?

    why would a dislexic person go to a toga party dressed as a goat?

    do you need oinkment for swineflu?

    why do boys not love ME?


  6. 232 The actual question is supposed to be “you’re trying to get to truthville, what one question can you ask to make sure you get there?”

  7. Hey to who ever asked where the donkey was in donkey kong it was actually a translation error from Japanese to English.

  8. Why is that you buy hot dog buns in packages of 8 but hot dogs in packages of 10??
    maybe everyone wants a bun……

  9. why is at drug stores they make the sick people walk all the way to the back while healthy people can buy what they need at the front

    why is that the banks keep both their doors open but then they chain their pens to the desk?

    why is that we put our car that is worth thousands while we put worthless junk in the garage?

    Why does the sun lighten your hair but darken your skin?

  10. Why cant women put mascara on without closing their mouth??
    Why is it that a man who invests all his money is a broker?
    why isnt there mouse flavored cat food??
    You know that indestructable black box used on a plane? why dont they make the plane out of that stuff??

  11. Is it possible to scream at the bottom of your lungs?

    Is it considered rude to stare at blind people?

    Do infants have as much fun in “infancy” as adults do in “adultry”?

    If 4 out of 5 people suffer from Diarrhoea, does that mean that one enjoys it?

    Can you ever get tired of sleeping?

    Why is it always the people who tell you to calm down are the ones that made you angry in the first place?

  12. To number 299,
    You wouldn’t stand straight up at the north or south pole even if your question made sense. The earth leans on it’s axis.
    No matter where you are, you’re standing straight up thanks to the earth being round and gravity.

  13. Why do some people waste their time in asking these stupid questions??

    Dont they realize thats retarded

  14. Why are you looking and reading the comments if u think they’re retarted?
    Its just for some laughs anyway.

  15. When you come to school one day with blonde hair and the next you turn up with brown hair.
    Why do people race up to you and say…
    “Did you die your hair?”

  16. toliet seats do protect us from something dumb ass! they protect ur dumb ass from sitting on the cold porcelain

  17. wouldn’t it be ironic if lobsters loved jacuzzis, and right before we put them into the boiling water, they think we’re the nicest ppl on earth?

  18. #181—Why do they put a post office box out in front of the post office? You’re already there!

    answer: after hours…duh

  19. how come glues doesnt stick to the inside of the bottle?

    if there is an extra small and an extra large, why arent the extra mediums?

  20. answer to the question : if today the temperature is 0 degrees and tommorow is 2 times colder blah blah…the answer is simple u just convert fahrenheit degrees to celcius and u get a number thats dividable by 2 and then u convert back…or vice versa

  21. I’m sorry if there are repeats.

    1. If our knees bent the other way, what would chairs look like?

    2. If a cow laughs, does milk comes out of its nose?

    3. If aliens are so smart, then why they kidnap the dumbest people?

    4. If Jesus microwaved a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?

    5, If a store is open 24 hours a day, then why are there locks on the front door?

    6. If you died and went to Heaven & seen God face-to-face & he sneezed, what would you say to him?

    7. If Jesus walked on water & slipped, would he smack his face on the water surface or would he drown?

    8. If a time traveler went back in time & kills his grandfather, would he be born?

    9. If Fred Flintstone stopped his car at high speed, would he see a mechanic or a doctor?

    10. If the planet Earth had no water, what would we drink?

    11. If Fabreeze has a “Fresh Air Scent” spray, then what does air smell like?

    12. Why does water bottles come with ingredients?

    13. If ice burns, does fire freezes?

    14. If a mailman delivers your mail, can he delivers his own mail? & if he can’t, who delivers his mail?

    15. If Hell is hot & Satan is thirsty & asks you for a ice cold water in hell, how would you get it?

    16. If a doctor is injured, does he treat himself?

    17. If a cop runs a red light (without the lights on), does he get a ticket? Does he give a ticket to himself?

    18. If a man is schizophrenic & tries to commit suicide, is it considered a hostage situation?

    19. If a man is blind from birth, can he have vivid dreams?

    20. If Jesus swears (use profanity), will he be sinned?

    21. If a man is deaf from birth, can he hear voices in his head?

    22. If a tree falls & there’s nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    23. If a mime is arrested, can a cop ask him to “remain silent”?

    24. If you fart in a vacuumed space, can you hear it?

    25. If a hitman is about to put a hit on a mime, does he have to use a silencer?

    26. If the AA meeting are anonymous, then why do they wear name tags?

    27. How high is up?

    28. How deep is down?

    29. How long is across?

    30. If 21 is pronounced “twenty-one”, then why 11 is not pronounced “onety-one”?

    31. If psychics can predict the future, then why they can’t predict the lotto numbers?

    32. If anyone tells you anything’s possible, then why can’t you slam a revolving door?

    33. Is there a such thing as a “female rape”?

    34. If food comes in “bite size”, when why can’t we eat it in one bite?

    35. If the people in “Gilligan’s Island” create houses, tables & other stuff, then why they couldn’t patched the 6 foot hole on the side of the boat?

    36. If God created Adam & Eve & told them to multiply, are we still creating incest?

    37. If sacramental wine is Jesus’ blood, does that mean Jesus was wasted 24 hours a day?

    38. If you break night, do u get morning’s breath?

    39. If God & Satan played football in the field, who would be their god?

    40. If someone sees themselves on the back of the milk carton with a reward, would they turn themselves in?

    41 If the person who created “Jumangi” makes the game, would he get sucked in too?

    42. If humans uses 10% of their brains, then what is the other 90% is used for?

  22. If i have a belt to hold my pants up..but my pants have belt loops to hold my belt up, then who is the real hero?

  23. number 480. not trying to be rude, but “dividable” is not a word; its divisable. and honestly i laughed at these for hours xD

  24. To all those people answering questions: Dude, these questions are here to laugh at, not to answer. Question answerers are party poopers. unless they’re funny. Love the Cat toast swept off the map thing!

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