Backinbowl. Backinbowl
Backinbowl. Backinbowl.
Feel my heart. I am at peace.
How DARE you say PENIS to a DEAD PERSON!
How dare you say penis to a dead person!?
I can’t believe this. I can’t even die right.
I can’t even die right.
I have a lot of friends who are crazier than you. But not many friends who are better than you
I have a lot of friends who are crazier than you. But not many friends who are better than you.
I think I’m picking up General Hospital in my fillings!
I’m going to buy a vest
I’m going to come back from the dead.
Roger: Aaahhhh. And what makes you think you can do that?
E: Because I’m rich
Just because my grandfather didn’t rape the environment and exploit the workers doesn’t make me a peasant. And it’s not that he didn’t want to rape the environment and exploit the workers, I’m sure he did. It’s just that as a barber, he didn’t have that much opportunity!
She’s got the whole cast of ‘Gone With the Wind’ humping in my head.
Steve: It’s MY body!! I’m not sharing it with anyone!!! Guy: I’m sure the ladies’ll be really upset.
Try it with your own feet.
You know, it’s just like a dead person to say something like that!
You know,my penis!!!!
How dare you say penis to a dead person!!!!
You’re fired,Cobb!!!!
You’re like an energy vampire…you suck all of the fun out of being a lawyer!!
You,Shut up !!!!!!
No,You shut up !!!!!!!
Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘All of Me’: Quotes from the movie ‘All of Me’