Movie Quotes from Boogie Nights: Quotes from the movie Boogie Nights

(COLLEGE KID) You got me hard — you could at least

jack me off or something, lady.


What the fuck did you say?


It’s not so cool to leave me

with a hard on.


Fuck you.


Nice life you’ve got here. Should

be proud of what you’ve become . . .

. . I wanna watch you. I mean, I’m not gay.

I just wanna. Maybe you can jerk off

a little and I can watch. Maybe I’ll join

in, but for now I just wanna watch.


(DIRK) Are you gonna take your skates off?


I don’t take my skates off.




Don’t fucking come in me.

(DIRK) I’m ready to shoot.


We need twenty minutes.


No. I’m ready now. It’s gotta be now.


Twenty minutes.


Fuck it. Hey, no, hey, Jack.

I’m ready now . . . my cock is ready now.

I’m ready to fuck . . . let’s go now.

(DIRK) Well . . . my idea was . . . y’know . . .

I want a name . . . I want it so it

can cut glass . . . y’know . . . razor sharp.


Tell me.


When I close my eyes . . . I see this thing,

a sign . . . I see this name in bright blue neon

lights with a purple outline. And this name

is so bright and so sharp that the sign —

it just blows up because the name is so powerful . . . .

It says ‘Dirk Diggler’

(DIRK) Where should I come?


Where do you want?


Wherever you tell me.


Come on my tits if you can, okay?

Just pull it out and do it on

my stomach and tits if you can.

(JERRY). . the fuck was that? (BUCK) Wha?


Have I told you? Huh? Have I?


What? I don’t —


You play that country

western-crap and no one’s gonna buy

a stereo. You throw on some KC and

the Sunshine Band, a guy looks a particular

way — and you’ve seen the profile sheet —

you throw on some Led Zeppelin. No.

Instead, you play this twingy-twangy,

yappy-dappy music. What kinda brother

are you anyway, listening to that shit?

(MAURICE) I’m sorry . . . there’s no Maggie here.

Okay . . . okay . . . no problem . . . Bye.


What was it?


Some kid lookin’ for his mother.

1) Jack tells me you have a nice big cock 2) Yeah 1) May I see it? (2 unzips his pants and shows him) 1) Well thank you Eddie

1) What the fuck are you doing?


The fuck does it look like I’m doing?

I’ve got a cock in my pussy, you idiot.


Will you close the door?


Will I close the door? You’re fucking

my wife, asshole.

A lot of people tell me I like Han Solo. Really?

And the award for ‘Best Newcomer’

goes to . . . Yes! My baby-boy . . . DIRK DIGGLER!

Are you going to take your skates off?
No… I never take my skates off

Are you still hungry? Well feast on THIS!

Before we leave, there’s one thing we want from you? –What is it?–
In the master bedroom, under the bed, in a floor safe. Understand? –Are you kidding me kiddy?– Nah, nah I ain’t kidding. We want what’s in the safe. We want what’s in the goddamn safe, in the goddamn master bedroom, in the fucking floor, in the godddamn fucking floorsafe, that’s all.

Can I kiss you on the lips.

Cum inside me

Dirk do you like my car, cuz if you don’t I could take it back!

Dirk…Dirk Diggler. Uh, I’m suppose to come get you now. I really like you name.

Dirk: You aren’t the boss of me! I’M THE FUCKING KING OF DIRK!

Feel, feel, feel, feel , feel. Feel the heat.

Good? Its not good. Its the best in all of LA, its Excellent!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , five grand.

Here here here here here

Hey you ever go to Vincent’s out here?… Oh no, I would have seen you, I’m there every day

I am an actor! I am an actor!

I got a feeling that beneath those jeans is something wonderful waiting to get out.

I have to talk to the Colonel

I just want you to know I’m going to be a star. A big, bright shining star. That’s what I want. That’s what I’m going to be.

I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass, and lollipops in my mouth… that’s just me, that’s just something I enjoy… call me crazy, call me a pervert

I’m a star, I’m a star, I’m a star.

I’m a star, I’m a star. I’m a big f***ing star.

I’m a star. I’m a fucking star.

I’m going to ask you one more time, and I’m going to ask nice: where the fuck is [name], bitch?!


I’m not going to shoot you in the state you’re in.
State of what? State of California? I know where the fuck I am Jack.

If you wanna watch me jack off

it’s ten bucks. If you just wanna

look at it then it’s five.

It seems to me, beneath those jeans,

there’s something wonderful just

waiting to get out —

jack says you got a big cock….may i see it?…..Thank you *name*.

My fucking wife has a cock in her ass over

in the driveway, alright? I’m sorry if my

thoughts aren’t with the photography of the

film we’re shooting tomorrow, Kurt, OK?

My wife is over there with a fucking ass in her cock!

Oh, that’s Michelle, I’ll introduce you.
You can introduce her to my lap.

Paulie, what the fuck?

Ready, ready. Ready like Freddy.

Scotty, What the Fuck?!

See this system here? It’s HI-FI, high fidelity. What that means is that it’s the highest quality fidelity.

See this system here? This is Hi-Fi… high fidelity. What that means is that it’s the highest quality fidelity.

Stop saying pornographer! I’m an…I’m an actor.

That’s a YP not an MP

that’s fine by me, i can fuck on my own time

The State of California

What we have here is a giant cock.

will you be my mom?

You got the touch! You got the power!

You work at a car wash, school never

occurred to you?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Boogie Nights’: Quotes from the movie ‘Boogie Nights’

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