Movie Quotes from Chorus Line, A: Quotes from the movie Chorus Line, A

–Can I sit in your lap?
–Do you always come on like this?
–No, sometimes I’m aggressive.

–What do you do in the Bronx?
–Hope to get out.

–You were a terrible dancer.
–Why do you think I became a choreographer?

ALAN: (sings) Time to doubt…
BEBE: (sings) to break out…
DON: (sings) It’s a mess!
ALL: (sing) It’s a mess!
GREG: Sex happens to be the one subject I can speak of with no (whatever-he-said) whatsoever.
(as GREG speaks)
KRISTINE: (sings) Too young to take over.
SHEILA: (sings) Too old to ignore.
GREG: Finally I found a girl who was actually willing to do it. So there I am, making out in the backseat with Sally Ketcham. A little of this, a little of that, very little of that. Well, after about an hour she said ‘Don’t you want to do anything else?’. That’s when I thought to myself ‘No. I don’t’.
ZACH: Did that come as a big surprise to you?
GREG: I guess. Yeah. It was the moment I realized I was gay.
DIANA: (sings) Hello, 12!
MAGGIE: (sings) Hello, 13!

Goddammit, now can’t ANYBODY up there hear me! Just let your hair down! Can’t you talk?! All of you, just talk to me, to each other!…
Jesus Christ!

I meet somebody and they say to me: ‘Wow, you dance on Broadway! How fabulous! You got somewhere. You’re something.’ And Christ, I get this feeling inside because I remember when I used to stand outside of that stage door and watch all these girls come out of there with their eyelashes and their make-up and I’d think: ‘God, I’ll never be that old. I’ll never be that old. I’ll never be old enough to come out of that stage door.’ But deep down inside I knew I would and, goddamn it, I’ve come this far and I’m not giving up now.

I used to love to give garage recitals. BIZARRE recitals. This one time I was doing Frankenstein as a musicale and I spray painted this kid silver – all over. They had to rush him to the hospital. ‘Cause he had that thing when your pores can’t breathe…he lived ’cause luckily I didn’t paint the soles of his feet.

LARRY: Zach, that’s it. That’s all of ‘m.
ZACH: Okay, everybody onstage. Let’s do the whole combination right from the top. (Everybody comes onstage) Right! I want it strong! Make it sharp! Take it from the down-beat! Ready, and 5-6-7-8!

LARRY: Zach, that’s it. That’s all of ‘m.
ZACH> Okay, everybody onstage. Let’s do the whole combination right from the top. (Everybody comes onstage) Right! I want it strong! Make it sharp! Take it from the down-beat! Ready, and 5-6-7-8!

Mother always said I’d be very attractive, when I grew up, when I grew up. Different, she said, with a special something, and a very very personal flair. And though I was 8 or 9, though I was 8 or 9, though I was 8 or 9, I hated her. Now different is nice but it sure isnt pretty, pretty is what its about. I never met anyone who was different who couldnt figure that out. So beautiful I’d never live to see, but it was clear, if not to her, well then to me

One little fart and they call me stinky for three years!

SHEILA: Can we smoke? Can the adults please smoke?
LARRY: No breaks, Sheila.
SHEILA: Well then can I discuss that with my kidneys?
LARRY: Fine.
SHEILA: Thank you. (Exits)

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Chorus Line, A’: Quotes from the movie ‘Chorus Line, A’

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