Movie Quotes from D3: The Mighty Ducks: Quotes from the movie D3: The Mighty Ducks

(Cole takes Charlie’s ‘lunch’) CHARLIE: Oh, c’mon, my mommy made me brownies! FULTON: Yeah, fresh, warm ones. COLE (pulls out horse manure from the bag): What the hell kinda brownies are these? CHARLIE: I gotta tell her to stop puttin the horse turds in the recipe!

(Dean checks Cole over the rink and into the audience.)
FULTON: Now that’s clearin the garbage.
DEAN: Hey, man, we’re just gettin warmed up!

1)Good Game Kat! (kisses her) 2) Thanks Scooter!

1)Russ you need to teach me to talk trash. 2) That can’t be taught man. You, you have to say the first thing that comes out. 1) Okay, okay. Hey reff, Hey reff!!! 2)Not the best first Choice. 2)hey number six you don’t , you don’t , you don’t play so good!


Clean out the Trash

DEAN: As we approach the coming millennium, we dare not shrink…from the specter…of inevitable change. DWAYNE: Wha’d he say? RUSS: Somethin ’bout a shrinking sphincter. DWAYNE: Shrinking sphincter…

DEAN: You can learn a lot from ants. These brazillian fire ants can teach you a lot about successful societal structure. You see? There’s one queen in there. The rest are dedicated worker ants. Everybody pulls their weight; nobody complains; there’s harmony and growth. Same here at Eden Hall…only you are the worker ants…the backbone. RUSS: And…you’re the queen?

Don’t be too careless but don’t be too careful either. You cannot be afraid to lose.

Hey ref you know you could call this thing now and we can all get home in time to see melrose.

hey, numba 43!! you play-you play like-you-you-you-you dont play good…

I think i’m gonna be sick blahhhhhhhhhhhh

i’ve got to tell her to stop using the horse terds in the recipe

it’s every one school u stupid jock

Pick up the HEAT NOW!

Pratice Tomorrow Morning 5 am, Got To Get Up Early.
How Long Does It Take It To Score A Goal, Less Than A Second, That Means No Lead Is Safe If You Can’t Play Defence, Now Get This Straight, I Want One Number On Your Mind Zero As In Shutout, You Got That.

REF: Two minutes, hooking. DEAN: Gimme a break I didn’t do anything! That’s a dive. You wanna see a penalty, I’ll show you a real penalty. Get outta my face, man! (Steps into penalty box and starts throwing off his pads and clothes.) Yeah!!! ANNOUNCER: This is insanity! Dean Portman is stripping in the penalty box! Oh, he has really got this crowd, especially the ladies, going. DEAN: He’s taking a dance class, Tom!

RILEY: You think you got us? You think you’re worth a damn? You’re just white trash! RUSS: Uh, who you callin WHITE trash? CHARLIE: That’s right, we’ll take you anytime, anywhere. RILEY: Tomorrow, dawn. CHARLIE: Better go take a shower. Dinner was great. Don’t forget to wash behind the ears. Goodbye. COLE: I’m gonna kill you guys! CHARLIE: Oh boy, I think it’s probably time to leave. GOLDBERG: See ya.

Save the trash talk

Why did u come back
Un finshed bissunes
We will finish it for u

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘D3: The Mighty Ducks’: Quotes from the movie ‘D3: The Mighty Ducks’

1 thought on “Movie Quotes from D3: The Mighty Ducks: Quotes from the movie D3: The Mighty Ducks”

  1. hey, thanks to put the quotes from D3 in but the sequence with Ken and russ goes like this

    “Yo, Russ, you gotta teach me how to talk some trash.”

    “It can’t be taught, Kenny-man. I mean, it’s gotta be the first thing that comes to your mind. You just gotta go for it. Try it.”

    “Hey Ref! You – …”

    ” Ah! Shh. Pick another target.”

    “Hey, number forty-four, you – you – you – you-
    you play – you don’t play real good.”

    “Yeah, right.”

    “Shorter, man. Get to the point.”

    “Hey, number nine! Bite me!”

    “Now we’re gettin’ somewhere.”

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