Movie Quotes from Dracula: Dead and Loving It: Quotes from the movie Dracula: Dead and Loving It

‘I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING! I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING!’ (Door to the cell closes) ‘I saw everything!’ (laughs)

‘I wont hurt you, little fly. All I want is your LIFE!’

(Dracula is having a dream) Dracula: Oh yes, Everything is so colorful, and the sun is so shiny. Would you two lovers allow me to spare your lovely picnic for a piece of your…chicken? Person: oh yes, why not, and some whine? Dracula: I never drink(pauses) WHINE… OH what the hell let me try it,(drinks whine) It’s GOOD! Remfield: MASTER, MASTER. Dracula: REMFIELD, I’m drinking WHINE and eating CHICKEN! Remfield: But Master what are you doing, you cant be out during ze daylight!(smoke starts coming out of Dracula): Relax Remfield i’m CURED! Remfield: NO NO look. Dracula: (noticing the smoke)I…made…a mistake, I must get back to my coffin (POOF he wakes up in a panic then calms down in shock) Wait a minute, It’s nighttime, so it wasn’t real, I was having… a DAYmare.

(dracula rises from his coffin and smashes into a chandelier)
Dracula: I must move my coofin…or the chandelier….

1)…No, she’s Nosferatu….2)She’s Italian!

1)Just so me one favor? 2)What, my love? 1)Touch this! 2)Okay–NO!!!

1)Renfield, I fly…you don’t.2)Oh yes of course! He flies, I don’t…he flies, I don’t….

1)We’re in luck! 2)Why? 1)He’s an idiot!

1: Did you just eat that spider? 2: (with spider legs clearly hanging out of mouth) I don’t know what you’re talking about.

After so many years of doing this, you know where to stand.

Children of the night… What a mess they make.

Did you just eat that bug?
No. It must have been a raspberry.
But there are no raspberries on the table.
Well then. It must have been a raisin.

Dr Stuart: Put him back in his cell, and give him a, you know what. Renfield: No, not another enima. Dr Stuar: Yes, another and another, untill you come to your sences

Dracula: Mina… you are in the closet.

I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING, I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING (Door to the prison cell closes) I saw everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (laughs)

i won’t hurt you little fly, all i want is your LIFE.

LUCY: Oh come away with me Jonathan. Let me show you the raw unbridal passion of sexual frenzy. JOHNATHAN: But Lucy…I’m British. LUCY: And so are these!!! JONATHAN: Oh…

master master i mean mister mister (later on in the movie )and he called count dracula master i thought he said mister that was only to confuse the febil minded

No, don’t. This is wrong, this is wrong…WRONG ME! WRONG ME!

Reinfield- Oh My God what are you doing to the furniture?!?

Renfield: just a moment master… I’m getting such a headache.

She will become one of them!!!!!

Three tiny puncture marks on her throat.
(cleans monocle) Two. Two tiny puncture marks on her throat.

Yes, we have Nosferatu! We have Nosferatu today!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Dracula: Dead and Loving It’: Quotes from the movie ‘Dracula: Dead and Loving It’

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