Movie Quotes from Flowers in the Attic: Quotes from the movie Flowers in the Attic


Look at you in your black dress. Your fancy jewels. Your pinched face. We’re not afraid of you! We laugh at you! Do you hear that? We laugh!

Though it’s been many years since I last saw it, I’ll always remember that even my first impression was one of fear and wonder. My childhood was soon to be lost, my innocence shattered, and all our dreams destroyed by what we would find within.

Your mother has come home after seventeen years to repent for her sins and for her crime. Not only against your grandfather and me, but against God! Your mother’s marriage was unholy! A sacrilege! An abomination in the eyes of the Lord! She did not fall from Grace! She leapt! Into the arms of a man whose veins pulsed with the same blood as hers! Not a stranger, but her own uncle! And you, the children, are the devil’s spawn! Evil from the moment of conception!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Flowers in the Attic’: Quotes from the movie ‘Flowers in the Attic’

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