Movie Quotes from Fortune Cookie, The: Quotes from the movie Fortune Cookie, The

–Bring me back a corned beef on rye, hold the butter, easy on the
mustard, and a strawberry milkshake.
–Anything else?
–A pack of Tiparillos.

–FAKE! All these new-fangled machines…fake! They prove nothing! In the old days, we used to do these things better. A man says he is
paralyzed, you simply throw him in a snake pit. If he climbs out, then you know he is lying.
–And if he doesn’t climb out?
–Then we have lost a patient, but we have found an honest man!

–Go right in, Mr. Gingrich.
–Thanks. And take the rest of the afternoon off.

–Hi, kid. What are you watching?
–An old movie about Abraham Lincoln.
–Lincoln? Great president. Lousy lawyer.

–In that case, may I recommend our Gemini Plan.
–What’s Gemini?
–Two operatives, twenty-four hour coverage, a microphone in every room, 16-millimeter camera, telescopic lens, and Technicolor!

–This guy is so full of angles, and gimmicks, and twists…he starts
to describe a doughnut, and it comes out a pretzel.
–Nevertheless, when he gets here, I suggest we try the friendly approach.
–Okay. But after you shake hands with him, I suggest you count your fingers.

–Willie, I’m not going to stand still for one of your phony whiplash
–Whiplash, nothing. We’re going for all the marbles.

–You suppose maybe it’s something internal?
–How would I know? I’m a lawyer, not a doctor.

–You wear a belt or suspenders?
–Suspenders? They went out with Clarence Darrow. Great lawyer. Lousy dresser.

Come on, play ball!

He could find a loophole in the Ten Commandments.

How did I ever marry into a family like this?

Now when it comes to investing, the big trick is diversification. You put a little in uranium stocks, a few oil wells in Montana, some real estate in downtown Phoenix.

Of course he’s upset. He’s a lawyer – he’s paid to be upset.

Say! You each have an office like this or do you all bunk together?

Too bad it didn’t happen further down the street…in front of the May Company. From them, you can collect! Couldn’t you have dragged yourself another twenty feet?

Well, Consolidated Insurance would like to wrap up the Hinkle case before the first of the year, simply as a matter of bookkeeping.

What’s wrong? Insurance companies have too much money – they have to microfilm it.

Why don’t you kids go play on the freeway?

You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

You guys should really bone up on negligence.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Fortune Cookie, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Fortune Cookie, The’

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