Movie Quotes from Godspell: Quotes from the movie Godspell

‘My boy,’ said the father, ‘you were always with me and everything I have is yours.’

(a la Penny Marshall) Remember, my child, that all the good things came to you while you were on Earth!

1) Look at what this shoe says, it says ‘Rejoice!’
2) It says ‘Keds’

1. Remember, my child, that all the good things came to you while you were on Earth, and all the bad to Lois. 2. Lazarus. 1. Abraham. Pleased to meet ya.


>Hey! I can’t see!
>What’s wrong?
>I got my eyes shut!

>Sheep on his right.
>Oh! Oh, the sheep on his right! Oh, I see! Thank you!

>Uh-uh! Sorry, no goats.

And, the festivities began!

Hello? It’s for you!


I thank thee, O God, that I’m not like other men: greedy, dishonest, adulturous, or by any means, like that tax-gatherer! I pray twice a week! Get that? Twice a week!

JESUS: No man can serve God–
JESUS:–and money!

Judas-Then the man they called Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and said, What will you give me to betray him to you? They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that moment on he began to look out for an opportunity, to betray him.

O God, have moicy on me, sinner that I am!

SOMEone’s got to be oppressed!


Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Godspell’: Quotes from the movie ‘Godspell’

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