Movie Quotes from Mask of Zorro, The: Quotes from the movie Mask of Zorro, The

(1)The lady and I were trying to dace ! (2) You were trying, she was succeding!

-Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been three days since my last confession.
-Three days? How many sins could you have committed in three days? Please come back when you have more time.

-Not bad.
-Not bad at all

1) Do you know how to use that thing? 2) Yes. The pointy end goes into the other man

1) Do you surrender? 2) Never, but I may scream 1) I understand, sometimes I have that affect

1) Excuse me the lady and I were trying to dance 2) You were trying, she was succeeding. I’m sorry, a shameless joke at your expense. I hope it will not be the last.

1) He was very vigorous, father

1) Only one question 2) Really? What is that? 1) How would you like your remains displayed?

1) The lady and I were trying to dance 2) You were trying, but you weren’t succeeding

1) this is the most stupid thing I’ve ever done ! 2) I doubt that

1) To enter Montaro’s world , I must give you something that is completely out of your reach . 2) Oh yes ? ANd what is that!? 1) Charm. 2)…And what is that ?

1) We were trying to dance 2)You were trying, she was succeeding.

1) Welcome to Hell’s Outhouse!

1) Who are these men you would risk your life to see them executed? 2) Who are they? No idea. Three men pulled at random from the crowd

1) Yes ? Were you looking for something ? 2) A sense of the miraculous in every day life . 1) Yes .. Well why don’t you try looking somewhere else. The lady and I were trying to dance . 2) You were trying . She was succeeding .

1)Hey, I thought you were tied up?!
2)that is because you are stupid.

1)I do not have the time to give you the proper insrtuction. 2) I’ve had the proper instruction since I was four!

1)I’ve never lost a fight . 2) Except to a crippled old man just now

1)Padre? Padre, is that you? Padre it sounds like there is a battle going on out there. 2) Don’t worry my dear, you are safe in the house of the Lord. 1) Of course Padre. Father I have sinned it has been 3 days since my last confessoin. 2) 3 days? How many sins could you have commited in 3 days? Come back when you have more time! Please! 1) I beg your pardon? 2) Listen signoritta….. please….. go on. 1) I have broken the fourth commandment Padre. 2) You kill sombody? 1) No. That is not the fourth commandent! 2) Of course not! I what way did you break the most sacred of commandments? 1) I dishonored my father. 2) That isn’t so bad. Maybe your father deserved it. 1) What did you say? 2) I said tell me more…. my child.

1)So what is leeson number 3? 2) To get to lesson number 4.

1)This is called a training circle. The master’s wheel. This circle will be your world. There is notheing outside of it. 2) But Captain Love… 1) THERE IS NOTHING… outside of it. Captain doesn’t exist until I say it exists. If your skill with a sword improves you will progress to a smaller circle. With each new cirlce your world contracts bringing you that much closer to adversery. That much closer to retrobution. 2) I like that part.

1. I have every inch of the countryside covered, if he shows himself…are you all right? 2. Do you have the map? 1. We’ll find it. 2. Is your army ready to fight Santa Anna’s? 1. No. 2. Then why are you asking me if I’m all right? Of course, I’m not all right. Now, I wonder if you want this plan to succeed after all. 1. What are you- 2. What I’m saying, CAPTAIN, is that I think that my HORSE can run this army better than you! 1. I said I’ll find him, that means I will.

1. I miss my brother, sir. 2. YOUR BROTHER IS DEAD! We lose the ones we love, you cannot change it, put it aside.

1. I would have killed him. 2. No. not today, he is trained to kill, you seem trained to drink. You would have fought very bravely and died very quickly.

1. Welcome, Welcome to Hell’s Outhouse! Now they call us the disappeared ones but we ain’t exactly disappeared, we’ve just been a little hard to find. 2. You! I know you! 1. You bet you do, peckerwood, I’m the legendary three-fingered Jack and you are a bunch of murderin trash that are dressed up in sweet-smelling doodads! 2. Ignore him, gentlemen, he’s a common thief. 1. As common as they come but I ain’t nuttin compared to you gentlemen. I steal goats, I steal money and you steal people’s lives. So damn ya, and damn the horse that brung ya! (charges at them hollering until he is shot in the air)

1.Did you miss me?

1.Only one question? 2.Oh? What is that? 2.How would you like your remains displayed?

1.The lady and I were trying to dance.2. You were trying,SHE was succeding.

1.Would you mind, the lady and I were trying to dance! 2. You were trying…she was succeeding!

1.You will never lose me, father.

Alejandro, I have taught you everything you need to know to survive. Now I must look to my own heart, Elena is all I have left, Im not going to loose her again.

Alejandro: Do you surrender?
Elena: No, but I may scream.
Alejandro: I sometimes have that effect

Alejandro: I think that Zorro wears the mask to cover his bald head and unsightly features.

Alejandro: I’ve never lost a fight!
Don Diego: Except to a crippled old man just now.

All that playing swords, shooting guns, riding around on horses, it gives me a frightful headache. Such sweaty pursuits are hardly the work of a gentlemen.

And looking very handsome and dashing in the late afternoon sun he leapt onto the balcony and thrust his enchanted sword, to the King’s chin.

Arrest him!

Be careful senorita, there are dangerous about.

Be careful senorita, there are dangerous men about

Bury the body. Bag the head.

Captain Harrison Love: Are you alright?
Don Rafael Montero: Do you have the map?
Captain Harrison Love: We’ll find it.
Don Rafael Montero: Is your army ready to fight Santa Ana’s?
Captain Harrison Love: No, sir.
Don Rafael Montero: Then why are you asking me if I’m alright? Of course I’m not alright!

Captain Harrison Love: We were trying to dance.
Alejandro: You were trying. She was succeeding.

Damned horse! What are you doing, huh? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Don Diego: Do you know how to use that thing?
Alejandro: Of course, the pointy end goes into the other man.

Don Rafael: Did you recognize him?
Elena: No, but he was young and vigorous. Very… vigorous, father.

HORSE!! BLACKY!! THUNDER!! STORM!! STUPIDO!! GET OVER HERE NOW!! I warn you… I get another horse!!

I am a man in search of a vision

I course I have feelings for you. Yes. But quick, hide in the barn. He’s coming!!

I want to spend my lifetime loving you.

I want you to know…I consider this an honor.

If Santa Anna finds out that we have paid him in gold dug from his own lands, he will have us butchered like cattle!

It is your curse and destiny.

It isn’t just one man dammit ! It’s Zorro !

Kill’im !

Lesson number one: Never attack in anger. Lesson number two… come with me.

Lightening Spilt the sky, thunder shook the air. Then all was quiet. The great warrior known as zorro was gone. The peoples of the land gave him a funeral, the largest anyone has ever seen. But dont worry little Juaquin, when great deeds are remembered, your grandfather will live on.

Listen to me! I’m gonna give you the GREAT HONOUR, of being MY horse!

Look at me! I look like a butterfly. This is the most stupid thing I have ever done!

M. For Murietta.

Me ? A gentleman ?…This is gonna take a lot of work

My ninera once told me, that the parted can see you in the moonlight. So when I was young, I used to sneak out of my window at night and I’d ride my horse across Santa Lousia and I would wave at the skies as if she would know it was me.

Of course I have feelings for you.

On his steed tornado, riding like the wind. His sword blazing in the sun. Leaping, jumping, flying through the air. Fughting like a lion, fighting like a tiger, fighting…… as safely as possible.


Pssst !!! Horse !… COme here . Blacky ?.. Thunder? Stupido !!! COme Here Now !! …I warn you : I’ll get another horse !

Thats the second time I’ve shot that man while he was flying through the air .

There are twenty, thirty guards…nothing Zorro couldn’t handle.

understand what.all that training all the work all the wiseworth for what to smie in the face of my brothers killer while you make your own plan

Where are my manners, would you care for something to drink?
No? A different vintage perhaps.

Yeah, when bulls start wearin’ bloomers.

You know Zorro. He can be anywhere.

You’re a traitor to your country and your class.

[In a confessional, Alejandro posing as a priest.]
Elena: Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been three days since my last confession.
Alejandro: Geez… how many sins could you have committed in 3 days? Come back when you have more time.

[In a confessional, Alejandro posing as a priest.]
Elena: I have broken the fourth commandment, father.
Alejandro: You’ve killed somebody?
Elena: No, that is not the fourth commandment!
Alejandro: [pause] Of course not!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Mask of Zorro, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Mask of Zorro, The’

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