Movie Quotes from Meet The Parents: Quotes from the movie Meet The Parents

You did it didn’t you Focker… You painted the stripe to make it look like jinxy-cat.

(Greg)Yeah, you can milk anything that has nipples.(Jack) I have nipples Greg,could you milk me?

(Jack)Gregs a male nurse. (Kevin) Wow thats great to give something back like that. Id love to do volunteer work Just the other day I saw this golden retriever and he had, like a gimp It just made me feel bad, wish there was soemthing i could do. (Greg)Well i get paid, so u know its kind of…Everybody wins.

(Mocking) ‘You let Jinxy out there without food water or toilet?’ Fucker!

(Pam)Greg’s Jewish,dad. (Jack)Are you telling me Jews don’t pray?

-keep it on low down
-down low
-no doubt!

-so how long did it take you to build that?
-’bout 70 hours–which isn’t bad considering i carved it out of a single block of wood

-so what got you into carpentry?
-well if u must ask i’d hafta say Christ. I mean, if u’re gonna follow in someone’s footsteps who better than Jesus?
-Greg’s Jewish.
-So was J.C. you’re in good company!

1) Can you really trust another human being? 2)Yes I believe you can. 1)No. The answer is no you can not.

1) Dad keeps you guys under a pretty close watch, huh? 2) No, it’s not that bad. Your little Pamcake’s got it a lot worse than I do

1) Don’t worry about the little covert-op. I’ll keep it on the low-down. 2)Down-low 1)No Doubt

1) Greg is Jewish. 2) Hey, so was J.C.!

1) Greg is jewish… 2) So was JC! You’re in good company…

1) How’s your portfolio? 2) I’d say strong….to quite strong.

1) Now what? You’re gonna tell me you set Kevin’s alter on fire?…heh heh…Oh my GOD! 2) It wasn’t my fault! He put so much GODdamn laquor on that thing!

1) We’re getting creamed. 2) Well if Florence Nightengale would play a little defense here. 3) I missed one shot. 2) It was a big shot.

1) You are the most adorable, loving, sweetest man in the whole world, and I love you and very soon my parents are going to see that…and grow to love you too, okay? 2) Speaking of growing to love you.. 1) Honey, it’s late 2) I know it’s late, but Mr. Winky is still on Chicago time and we both know there’s only one way to make Mr. Winky go away…(knock on door), and there it is.

1) You can milk just about anything with nipples. 2) I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?

1) You said bomb on an airplane! 2) What’s wrong with saying bomb? 1) You can’t say bomb on an airplane.

1) You’ve got a real gentle touch doctor; she won’t be able to say no. 2)Actually, I’m a nurse. The doctor will be right in.

1)…low down 2)down low 3)no doubt!

1)Are you a pothead, Focker? 2)No! No, I pass on grass!

1)Benz drives like a dream. 2) Well let’s not make it a nightmare.

1)Do you have any of those nicotine patches? 2)No. But we got the gum. You chew it.

1)Gaylord M. Focker? 2)Yeah that’s me. 3)I thought your name was Greg. 2)It is. 1)That’s not what it says on the form. 2)I know that’s my legal name. I haven’t been called by it since I was in third grade. 4)Wait, wait, wait, so your name’s Gay Focker?! Hahahaha! I’m sorry, it’s just not a normal name, you know!

1)Now, Greg, you have a very interesting last name. Tell me how do you pronounce it? 2)Oh, just how it’s spelled: F-O-C-K-E-R. 3)Focker.

1)Yeah, I’d have to be pretty high though. 2) I’ll bet you would panama red.

1)You threatened a stewardess with a bomb, correct? 2)I didn’t threaten her! I said it’s not like I have a bomb! 1)You still said ‘bomb’! 2)What’s wrong with saying ‘bomb’ on an airplane?! 1)You can’t say ‘bomb’ on an airplane! 2)Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb! Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb! If I were in the army I’d be a BOMBbadeer! Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb…

1-If Florence Nightingale would play some defense. 2-I missed one shot! 1-It was a big shot!

1. So, what got you into carpentering? 2. Carpentry? I guess I’d have to say Jesus. He was a carpenter and I just figured if you’re going to follow in someone’s footsteps, who better than Christ? 1. Hmm! 3. Greg’s Jewish! 2. Are you? 1. Yeah! 3. Mm-hmm! 2. Well, so was J.C. Wow! You’re in good company!

1.) Lil’ Kim, she’s phat……..p-h Phat. 2.) yeah 1.) well thanks for the clothes and don’t worry about the little secret op, i’ll keep it on the low down. 2.) down low 1.) no doubt

1.)I said It’s not like I have a bomb. 2.)You said bomb on an airplane. 1.) What’s wrong with saying bomb on an airplane? 1. You can’t say bomb on an airplane. 1.)Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb, bomb-bomb, Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb.

1: I’m sorry, sir, you’re gonna have to check that.
2: I got it.
1: No, I’m sorry, that bag won’t fit.
2: No, no, I’m not–hey, I’m not checking my bag, okay?
1: There’s no need to raise your voice, sir.
2: I’m not raising my voice. THIS WOULD BE RAISING MY VOICE TO YOU, okay? I don’t want to check my bag, okay? And, by the way, your airline? You SUCK at checking bags, okay, because I already did that once and you lost it, and then I had everything screwed up very badly for me, okay?
1: Well, I can assure you that your bag will be placed safely below deck with the other luggage…
2: Oh, yeah? How do you know my bag will be safe below with the other luggage? Huh? Are you physically going to take my bag and put it beneath the plane? Are you going to go right now outside, with the guys with the earmuffs, and go put it in there?
1: No…
2: No? Okay, then shut your piehole and listen to me when I say that I am FINISHED with the checking-of-the-bags CONVERSATION.

1] Hey and dont worry about the little covert op. I’ll keep it on the low down 2]Down low 1]No doubt.

1]Jack cant talk Tai 2] Oh Jack CAN talk Tai, Jack talk Tai very well.

A fool in love.

Alright now look Focker, I’m a patient man, thats what 19 months in a Vietnamese prison camp will do to you, but I will be watching you. Studying your every move, and if I find that you are trying to corrupt my first born child, I will bring you down baby, I will bring you down to China town.

Are you a homeowner Greg?

Are you a Mister…Focker?

Are you a pot-head Focker?

are you a pothead focker? … i pass o grass all the time wel not all the time no yes no

Are you a pothead,Focker?

Bomb bomb bomb! bomb bomb babomb! I was a BOMBbadier in the army!

Bye Norm

Bye Norm!

Can I be Goose? – No, Goose dies at the end

can you deal with that?

check my pulse on this one jack do i think your a psycho ………YES

Circle of Trust?
Guess who’s back in!

Dad, you can totally see ‘VOIT’ backwards on her forehead.

Dad: Greg’s Jewish
Whoa so was J.C.

Debbie: Oh my God! Bob: What’s that smell? Jack: That smell Bob, is our shit! Focker flushed the toilet in the den and the septic tank overflowed! Greg: Jack, it wasn’t me, it was Jinx! Jack: FOCKER, I’M NOT GONNA TELL YOU AGAIN! JINX CANNOT FLUSH THE TOILET, HE’S A CAT FOR CRY SAKES!

Debbie: We are not gonna postpone the rehearsal for some stupid cat.
Jack: Stupid cat? How can you say that? That cat’s been like a brother to you. And we’re supposed to just let him wander the streets without food, water or toilet?

Denny, you’ll fill in for Jinx
Oh no, im not wearing that dumb pillow on my head
Oh yes you damn well will!

Denny: Wait, so your name’s Gay Focher?

Denny:Uh,dad. Jack:What’s this? Denny:Oh, it’s a sculpture i found in Greg’s jacket. Jack:This isn’t a sculpture Denny. It’s a device for smoking marijuana. Denny: REEEEEAAAAALLY.(jack glares at him). It’s not mine; it’s not.

do i think you’re a psycho, YES

Does this guy have a license?
Yeah a license to kill!

Dude were you just sniffin my boxers?

Focker here’s a male nurse.

Focker…Jinxy can’t flush the toilet

For once in my life.

For the floor you’re walking on I chose Bulivian warmwood. I think it works well. Over here is the viking range and there’s the twin-sub z’s. Are you a homeowner Greg?

good one nurse

Got to get my mojo working.

Greg – Do you think that sounds good?
Old Man – No.
Greg – Really, because I think it…
Old Man – NO!
Greg – Oh,… oh sorry. Sometimes these catheters can pinch a little bit.

Greg Mocking Frank: Without food. drink or toilet! Fucker!!

Greg, that’s an urn which holds the remains of Jack’s mother

Greg, you might know it as hopa.

Greg: Do you have any of those nicotine patches? Cashier: No, we have the gum… you chew it. Greg: Thanks.. also what is your most expensive bottle of wine? Cashier: Mums, its on sale for $18.99. Greg:Thats it? I mean I am trying to look for a 80 or 90 dollar bottle. Do you have any of those? Cashier: You can get a who bunch of mums!

Greg: Do you have any of those nicotine patches? Guy at Counter: Na, we got the gum……… you chew it. Greg: A….. thanks and do you have any shampaine. Counter: Yea we got Mums on sale for $13.95 Greg: Really you dont have any 80 100 dollars bottles (long pause) Counter: You could buy a bunch of Mums

GREG: Great song. JACK: Yeah, one of my favorites. GREG: Who would have thought it wasnt really about a dragon? JACK: What do you mean? GREG: …You know- the whole drug thing? JACK: No I don’t know, why dont you tell me. GREG: Some people thought- think that to Puff the magic dragon means-they’re really- um – to um – to smoke- um, a marijuana cigarette. JACL: Well, Puff is just the name of the boy’s magical dragon…

Greg: Little geppedo couldn’t get to the…the…um…teat
Jack: Teat?
Greg: What have you.

GREG: So Jack, couldnt this be construed as illegal, you know, invasion of privacy? JACK: Trust me Greg, when you start having little Fockers running around, you’ll understand the need for this level of protection.

Greg: some peope say that to puff the magic dragon is to smoke a ah ahh mari…marijuana cigarette. Jack: Well Puff is just the name of the boy’s magical dragon. Greg: yeah i know Jack: are you a pot hea Focker?

Greg: Who’d have thought it wasn’t about a dragon.
Jack: Huh?
Greg: You know…the whole drug thing..?
Jack: No I don’t would you like to tell me?
Greg: Well some people think that to puff the magic dragon means to… smoke… a marijuana cigarette.
Jack: Well Puff is just the name of the boy’s magical dragon…
Greg: Yeahh….
Jack:………….Are you a pothead, Focker?
Greg: NO….I, I pass on grass- All the time. Well not all the time…
Jack: Yes or no?
Greg: No, I mean yeah….no

Greg: You don’t have any 80 – 100 dollar champange?? Clerk: You can get a whole bunch of moms.

Greg:So ya got ant of those expensive wines here? Weird Dude:No,but we got mums,on sale for $13.99. Greg: No I mean like any hundred,two-hundred dollar wines? Weird guy: You can just buy a whole lot of mums. Greg: OK then, well do you have any of those Nicotene patches? Weird guy:No, but we got the gum.Greg: O yeah let me see that? Weird guy: ya chew it.Greg yeah ok thanks buddy

Gregg: Larry i missed one shot.

Gregg:Larry i missed one shot.

Guess who’s back in the circle of trust?

He lacks the opposable thumbs!

he put so much god damn lacer on that thing!!

He put so much goddam lacquer on that thing, its an accident just waiting to happen.

Hey Focker, If this nursing thing doesn’t work out i’d say you could have a real career in espionage.


How do you know my bag would be safe below with the other luggage, huh? Are you physically gonna take my bag and put it beneath the plane? Are you gonna go right now, outside with the guys with the earmuffs and put it in there? No? Ok, then shut your pie hole and listen to me when I say that I am finished with the checking of the bags conversation!

How long did it take you to make this Kev? I’d say about 72 hours, considering I carved it out of one piece of wood. What got you into carpentry? Well, I’d have to say Jesus Christ. Kevin, Greg’s Jewish. Well, you probably know it as a jopa.

How’s your portafolio Greg? I’d say strong…to very strong

I am done with the checking of the bags conversation. The only way that I would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over here right now and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers, okay? If you can get it from my kung-fu grip, then you can come and have it, okay? Otherwise, step off, bitch.

I bet you would Panama Red

I bet you would Panama Red.

I got one question for you. It’s can you deal with that?!

I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?

I have nipples greg, could you milk me?

I have nipples Greg. Could you milk me?

I have nipples, can you milk me, Greg?

i like what you’ve done with this cozy little ‘nook’….

I pass on grass

I sure hope he has a license. Yeah, a license to kill.

I tell you that tonight we shall have a wedding or a hanging either way we ought to have a lot of fun

I think I’m gonna go pay a little visit to the shower ferry…..

I was so lucky I was able to salvage this wood from a seamans chapel in Nantucket.

And for the counters I chose a Bolivian wormwood.

I widdled it from beachwood.

Theres a lot of benjamins to be made.

I figured who better to follow after than JC himself.

I was terrified of your father when I thought he was a florist. How do you think I feel now that I have a CIA spy hunter on my ass?

I will be watching you, nad if i find out that you are trying to corrupt my firstborn child, i will bring you down baby.

I will bring you down baby, I will bring you down to Chinatown

I will bring you down baby, I will bring you down to Chinatown.

I’m a realist Greg, and I know that you’ve probably already had pre-marital relations with my daughter.

I’m done with the checking off the bags conversation!

I’m done, with the checking of the bags.. conversation!

I’m everywhere, Focker.

I’m not comfortable wearing you dad’s underwear.

I’m sorry sir were only seating rows nine and above right now

I’m sorry…you’re name’s Gaylord Focker?

I’m through with the checking of the bags conversation!

I’ve got nipples, can you milk me?


It’s an altar, or as you might call it, a khopa.

It’s just a game, Focker!

It’s not Glen- it’s Greg. Greg’s afraid of the ball.

It’s only a game, Focker!

it’s what I like to call, the burns family circle of trust

Its either my way, or the Long Island Expressway.

Jack – Interesting color – you pick it?
Greg – Oh no, guy at the counter did. Why?
Jack – Well, they say geniuses pick green. But you didn’t pick it.

Jack can’t talk Tai.

Jack I dont know what we’re talking about

Jack talk Thai very well.

Jack: Do you like peter paul and mary?
Greg: Yes I do, Big Fan

Jack: Greg how come you don’t like cats?
Greg: I do like cats, I just prefer dogs…
Jack: So you prefer an emotionally shallow animal? See, Greg, if you yell at a dog, his ears will go down and his tail will cover his genitals even if he’s done nothing wrong. It’s very easy to break a dog. But cats make you work for their affection. Cats don’t sell out like dogs do.

Jack: Greg’s a male nurse.
Focker: Thanks.. Jack
Kevin: Oh I would love to do volunteer work. just the other day i saw this Golden Retriever, he had a gimp, i felt really bad, i wish there was something i could do.
Focker: Well I get paid too so everybody wins.

JACK: Greg, how come you don’t like cats? GREG: I don’t not like cats, I just prefer dogs, I mean I’m just more a dog kinda- you know, come home and wagging the little tail, its happy to see you. JACK: You need that assurance do you? You prefer an emotionally shallow animal? GREG:….I JACK: You see Greg, when you yell at a dog, his tail will go between his legs and cover his genitals, his ears will go down. A dog is very easy to break. But cats will make you work for their affection, they don’t sell out the way dogs do.

JACK: I noticed you were looking at that when I came in. GREG: Yeah… JACK: Its an antique polygraph machine. GREG: Is that what that is, cuz I’ve seen these before but I never saw one actually up close. JACK: You know what? Why dont you try that on? GREG: Oh, thats ok. JACK: Oh come on, we’ll have some fun, I’ll show you how it works. GREG: Yeah, uh, I-I shouldnt. JACK: Well why should you be afraid you have nothing to hide. GREG: Heheheh- no, I know. JACK: I know you know, so there shouldnt be any problem. GREG: No, theres no problem. JACK: So, try it on. GREG: Ok.

JACK: I’ll help you. Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy this. Alright. GREG: Looks complicated….now, these arent 100% accurate right? They’re… JACK: Oh you’d be surprised how accurate they are. They can tell fairly easily if someones lying or not.

JACK: Just be honest, I mean there are some things I hate. GREG: Really, like what? (awkward pause)

Jack: See, Greg, if you yell at a dog, his ears will go down and his tail will cover his genitals even if he’s done nothing wrong. It’s very easy to break a dog. But cats make you work for their affection. Cats don’t sell out like dogs do.

Jack: Thats an interesting color, did you pick it? Greg: No, the guy at the counter did, why? Jack: Well they say that genius’ pick the color green. Greg: Oh. Jack: But, you didn’t pick it.

Jack: What’re you driving there, a Ford?
Greg: yeah, it’s a Taurus. I was gonna get a midsize, but then, hey, I’m pullin down decent bucks, so i went all out and got a fullsize.

Jack:Greg’s a male nurse
Greg:Thanks.. Jack.
Kevin: Oh I would love to do volunteer work. Just the other day, ý saw this Golden Retriever, he had a gimp, i felt so bad, i wish there was something i could do.
Greg: Well i get paid too, so everybody wins

Jinxy cat, jinxy cat where are you, I…love…you!

Kevin: So greg, what about you, what kind of work are you in?
Greg: I’m in healthcare
Kevin: yeahi so you know all about the biotech stock,i don’t have to tell you that. How’s your portfolio?
Greg: I would say… stong….. to.. quite strong

Kevin: Wow she’s a Tomcat… hhuuuuhhh!

Like what you done with the crib….(looks up at poster on the wall)..Oh, L’il Kim….She’s phat…PH phat.

lil kim, she’s phat…..P H phat…

Lil Kim. Shes phat. P-H-a-t.

Looks like someone had a little visit from the hair fairy.

mi casa est su casa, greg.
-uh…you,too jack. you, too.

my mother by jack burns
u gave me life u gave me milk u gave me courage
your name was angela the angel from heaven but u were also an angel of god and he needed u too selfishly i tired to keep u here while the cancer ate away ur organs like an unstoppable rebel force but i couldnt save u and i shall see ur face nevermore nevermore nevermore until we meet in heaven

Not many men in your profession, are there Focker?

Oh Dear God…thank you…you are such a good God to us and such a kind and gentle and accommodating God. And we thank you, oh sweet lord of hosts for the smorgasbord you have so aptly laid at our table this day and each day by day, day by day by day. Oh dear lord, three things we pray…to love thee more dearly, to see thee more clearly, to follow thee more nearly, day by day by day…Amen

-Ben Stiller, Meet the Parents

Oh Fockers Jewish…


OH Hello. I’m sorry. We are currently boarding rows 9 and above. We’ll call your row momentarily. Greg: It’s only one row don’t you think..Attendant: SIr! please step aside. …vacuum running in distance… Thank you for waiting. We will now begin boarding all remaining rows. I repear all remaining rows are now boarding. OH HELLO!

oh jack, i like your vase, let me guess, is it one of your hidden cameras, oooga booga oooga booga!!
greg, greg, thats jack’s dead mother..

Oh no I’ve just realised what Pam’s full name will be. Pamela Martha Focker

Oh one more thing, I’m a realit. I understand it’s the 21st century, and you’ve probably had premarital relations with my daughter, but under my roof it’s my way or the Long Island Expressway

Oh yes you damn well will!

oh you like my present jack my jeruselum tulipi poozley poot
ya one more thing ……….CAN YOU DEAL WITH THAT?

Oh, dear god, thank you, you are such a good god to us. A kind and gentle and accommodating god, and we thank you oh sweet, sweet lord of hosts for the…smorgasbord you have so aptly laid at our table this day, and each day, by day, day by day, by day oh dear lord three things we pray to love thee more dearly, to see thee more clearly, to follow thee more nearly, day, by day, by day. Amen.

oh, you’re jewish? that’s cool so was JC.

One day greg, when you have little focker’s running around, you’ll understand the need for this level of security.

PAM: Well, why doesnt Greg go with you?…Sweety you’ll need something incase your suitcase doesnt show up. JACK: Oh I’m sure it’ll show up. PAM: Yeah, well you don’t even have a toothbrush…come on sweety. GREG: Ok, um, unless you want some privacy. JACK: Why would I need privacy? GREG: ….No…I didnt think you would….I…

Pam: Where’s the other camera?
Jack: Right here in this decorative artifact.

parents together: Pamela Martha Focker!

Poor me.

Puff is just the name of the boys’ magical dragon,Greg.

Puff the Magic Dragon.

r u a pothead focker?

Selfishly I tried to keep you here as the cancer ate away at your organs like an unstoppable rebel force…

Shut your pie hole and listen to me when i say that i am finished with the checking of the bags conversation!

So just listen to me when I say, I’m finished with the checking of the bags conversation!!!

so mabye if you took those chopsticks out of your hair and cleaned your ears out, and then mabye you could see that I am a person, and all I wanna do is do what I wanna do and what I wanna do is not listen to you

so much love yet so much informatin

So wait a minute, your name’s Gay Focker?

So what got you into carpentering?

So, you’re Gay Focker!!!!!!!

Someone’s got a case of the Mondays.

That smell Bob, is our shit

That smell, Bob, is our shit. Focker flushed the toilet in the den so the sceptic tank overflowed

The cat doesn’t even have thumbs, Focker.

The matter, Greg RN…

The only way i would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over and tried to pry it from my dead lifeless fingers…OK?…If you can pry it from my Kung Fu grip then you can come and have it…OK?… Otherwise step off bitch!

The problem Greg, RN…

These things I pray, day by day. . .

time to pay a little visit to the urinal fairy…hahahahaa

We look forward to that, Greg.

We’re all out of Collins mix so I’m gonna make a run for the store

Well I thought who’s footsteps better to follow in than Christ’s?

Well if Florence Nightengale would play some defense over there…

well im gonna go and pay a little visit to the shower fairy

Well you never told me about your cat milking days in Motown.

Were you just snffing my boxers dude?

Were you just sniffing my boxers dude?

What if I was in the military, I would be a bombadeer!!

What is your most expensive bottle of wine? Mum’s, its on sale for $13.95. You dont have like an 80 or 90 dollar bottle. Well you could buy a whole bunch of Mum’s.

What’s New Pussycat?

What’s that Jack…Jerusalemtulapaloozlyloo…oh yea…you don’t know shit about flowers.

what’s wrong with saying bomb on an airplane? you can’t say bomb on an airplane bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb!

whats going on in here? jesus dad, ya ever think of knockin. looks like rounding second base.

whats that, u dont know shit about flowers

Where’s the fire?

who ever thought puff wasn’t a magic dragon?

without any food, water and toilet?

Yeah, it only took me 70 man hours, which isn’t bad considering I carved by hand from one piece of wood.

Yeah, you gave me the wrong suitcase. Uh-huh. Yes, it’s a black Samsonite. Uh-huh. Ok, well don’t you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE BLACK SUITCASE?

yeah…she was a real tomcat.

You a pothead Focker?

You can get a whole bunch of mums.

You can’t say bomb on an airplane

You Gotta Spike Those Focker!!!

You let Jinxy out there without food water or toilet?!

You might know it as a HOPA!! it only took me 70 man hours, which isn’t bad considering I carved by hand from one piece of wood.

This one goes out to Brent in Westwood!!

You missed the turn there Focker!

you said bomb on an airplane

You said bomb on an airplane! Bomb bomb bomb! bomb bomb bomb bomb!

You said bomb on an airplane. I said its not like i have a bomb. You cant say bomb on an airplane. Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb…bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bamb bomb. what if i was in the military and i was a bombadeer. Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb.

You tried to milk her, didn’t you. You sick son of a bitch.

You tried to milk him didn’t you Focker… you sick son of a bitch

you tried to milk him didn’t you, you sick son of a bitch.


your not taking my luggage BITCH, its not like i have a bomb, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb

{Who would have thought that the song really wasnt about a dragon?}
{Well some people think that ‘to puff the magic dragon’ means to… puff… smoke… marijuana cigarettes}
[Are you a pot head Focker?]
{No! I pass on grass all the time..well not all the time}

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Meet The Parents’: Quotes from the movie ‘Meet The Parents’

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