Movie Quotes from Men of Honor: Quotes from the movie Men of Honor

–Forgive me, sir, but to me, the Navy isn’t a business. It’s an organization of people who represent the finest aspects of our nation.
We have many traditions. In my career, I have encountered most of them. Some are good. Some not so good. I would, however, not be here today were it not for our greatest tradition of all.
–And what would that be, Chief Brashear?
–Honor, sir.

–What the hell did he ever say to make you try so hard?
–Be the best.
–Well, you are.

–Why are you doing all this?
–To piss people off.

–Why do you want this so bad?
–Because they said I couldn’t have it.

–You think you’re better than me?
–You’re damn right I am!

A chief petty officer shall not drink.
But if he should drink, he shall not get drunk.
If he should get drunk, he shall not stagger.
If he should stagger, he shall not fall.
If he should fall, he should fall forward to cover his rate so people will think he’s an officer.

A chief petty officer shall not drink. But if he should drink, he shall not get drunk. If he should get drunk, he shall not stagger. If he should stagger, he shall not fall. If he should fall, he should fall forward to cover his rate so people will think he’s an officer.

a navy officer is never drunk


ASNF-A Son Never Forgets

dont you get it? wheather i help you or not your gonna fail anyway i wont i cant why do you want this so badly? because they said i couldnt have it

get ur goddamn wisconsin ass bak 2 bed snowhill!!!!

god damn it cookie move your ass i want my 12

He’d (CAPT Hanks) trade you and me and every other old sea dog for one glass-eyed electronics technician.

how bout me cookie u better than me? you damn rite i am

Now remember, ladies: one night stands may be over by morning, but syphillis lasts a LIFETIME!

Sir,I am a Navyman. Where I come from, there are no oceans; only dirt farms and angry mules…and no self-respecting Navyman makes a living driving mules. Sir.

Snowhill, get your Wisconsin ass back in the barracks.

The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it’s sunk, he brings it up. If it’s in the way, he moves it. If he’s lucky, he will die young, 200 feet beneath the waves, for that is the closest he’ll ever get to being a hero.

what did he say to you to make you try so hard?… be the best.. well you are just dont show up tomorow pappie aint gon let you pass… wat about you chief?

what did tha man say to make u try so hard? … be the best, well you are

Why I don’t know why anyone would want to be a navy diver.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Men of Honor’: Quotes from the movie ‘Men of Honor’

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