Movie Quotes from Outsiders, The: Quotes from the movie Outsiders, The

Dally-Can I interest you in a coca cola or a 7-up?
Dally- I’m sorry…I…I didn’t know…I didn’t you know you had this problem with….yelling in my face…

#1:You know what greasers are? White trash with long greasy hair. (throws liquor on him and laughs)#2:You know what socs are? #1: what? #2:Whit trash wiht mustangs and madras.(spits on them)

(DX Station at beginning)
Steve- Hey Soda…here comes the hobos
Dally- Hey anybody wanna buy my ol’ windsheild wiper…?
Steve- C’mon Dally!
Soda- Give ’em the money…

*Can you see the sunset from the south side very good?
*Yeah, real good.
*Well, you can see it from the north side too.
*Thanks Ponyboy. You dig okay.

*Have you seen my shirt somewhere?
*You gotta wear pants too. I think there’s a law.

*Hey you! You’re not allowed here!
*I’m allowed anywhere I want.

*I’m starvin man.
*You’re starving? Try baloney for four days.

*Tell me about Darry. Is he wild and reckless like Soda, or dreamy like you?
*He ain’t like Soda and he sure ain’t like me.

*We don’t need your damn charity.
*Ponyboy, I wasn’t trying to give you charity. I only wanted to help. I liked you from the start.

*What do you wanna do?
*Nothing legal, amn. Let’s get outta here.

*Why don’t you be nice and leave us alone?
*I’m never nice.

-so dawn goes to day, nothing gold can stay.

.Ponyboy plays with his hair after had been bleached.
Johnny: Shoot Pony, it’s just hair.
Ponyboy: Shoot nothin, it just ain’t nothin, it’s like being in a halloween costume you can’t get out of and I hate it.
Johnny: Well you better get used to it cause we’re in big trouble and it our looks or us.

1. A deck of cards? Peroxide? Johnny, you ain’t thinkin’ of…? 2. We’re gonna cut our hair, Ponyboy, and we can bleach yours. They’ll have our descriptions in the paper, and we can’t fit ’em.

Cherry: Are you gonna start on us, too?! Ponyboy: No. Cherry: You don’t look the type, anyway. What’s your name? Ponyboy: Ponyboy Curtis. Cherry: That’s an original name. Ponyboy: Well, my father, he was a really original person. I got a brother named Sodapop. Even says so on his birth certificate.

Cherry: Your friend, the one with the sideburns, is he okay?Ponyboy: He’s not dangerous like Dally, if thats what you mean.

: Well, I guess we’re disguised. Shoot, Ponyboy, it’s just hair. : ‘Just hair’ nuthin’! It’s like bein’ in a Halloween costume I can’t get out of and I hate it!

: This sure makes me look tough. : …All right, go ahead. Get your jollies. My pleasure! : Yeah, I know it is. Be nice.
: Hey, I didn’t take that much offa you!


After we whoop the Socs, Me and Steve are gonna throw a party and everyone is gonna get ripped(Soda)

Are you a real readhead? Are you real? How can I find out if this is your real red hair? If this is the same red hair that you have on these eyebrows too.

Are you a REAL red head?

As I stepped out into the bright sunlight

As I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the dark movie house I had two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a new haircut

B>Ponyboy: Come on, we’d better get back or Two-Bit’ll think we ‘loped to Mexico.

Beer for breakfast TwoBit?

BOB: Cherry! What’s goin’ on? What’re you doing? (CHERRY gives him a dirty look) Just cuz we got a little drunk last time…
CHERRY: A little! You call reeling and passing out in the street a little?! Bob, I told you I’m never going out with you when you’re drinking and I mean it!

BOB: you know what a grease is? white trash with long greasy hair
PONYBOY: you know what a SOC is? white trash with mustangs and Madras.
::spits on him then runs::


BOB:You know what a greaser is? White trash with long greay hair. PONYBOY:You know what a soc is? BOB:What? PONYBOY:White trash with mustangs and madras (spits on him)

but one night I saw dally gettin’ picked up by the fuzz, and he kept real cool and calm the whole time. They was gettin’ him for breakin’ out the windows in the school building and it was Two-Bit who did it. But he just took the sentence without battin’ an eye or even denyin’ it. That’s gallant.

Cherry Valance: Whats Your Name? PonyBoy Cutirs:PonyBoy Curtis Cherry:Thats An Orionginal Name PonyBoy: My Father Was An Original Guy, I Have A Brother Named SodaPop It Even Says So On His Birth Certificate

cherry-you gonna start it off now too? ponyboy-no cherry-you dont look the type anyway..whats your name? ponyboy- ponyboy curtis cherry-thats an original name ponyboy-yeah, my dad he was an original person, i got a brother named sodapop, even says so on his birth certificate cherry-my names sherry, but my friends call me cherry cause my hair ponyboy-yeah i know, we go to the same school, your a cheerleader cherry- yeah marcia- you dont look old enough to be going to high school cheery- your brother sodapop he works at a gas station dx i think. ponyboy-yeah thats him cherry-hes the cute one shoukd’ve known you was brothers marcia- how come we dont see your brother at school anymore since your parents died ponyboy-hes a dropout.

Cherry: Are you gonna start on us, too?! Ponyboy: No. Cherry: You don’t look the type, anyway. What’s your name? Ponyboy: Ponyboy Curtis. Cherry: That’s an original name. Ponyboy: Well, my father, he was a really original person. I got a brother named Sodapop. Even says so on his birth certificate.

Cherry: I feel like i know Soda as much as you talk about him. What about your other brother, Darryl? Is he wild and reckless like Soda or dreamy like you?
Ponyboy: He ain’t like Soda and he sure ain’t like me. He can’t stand me!
Two-Bit: Come on, Pony.
Johnny: Yeah, y’all get along just fine, now.
Ponyboy: Shut up, Johnny Cade! You ain’t wanted at home, neither!

Cherry: I feel like i know Soda as much as you talk about him. What about your other brother, Darryl? Is he wild and reckless like Soda or dreamy like you? Ponyboy: He ain’t like Soda and he sure ain’t like me. He can’t stand me! Two-Bit: Come on, Pony. Johnny: Yeah, y’all get along just fine, now. Ponyboy: Shut up, Johnny Cade! You ain’t wanted at home, neither! Two-Bit: You shut your mouth, kid!

CHERRY: Tell me about your other brother. You never seem to talk about him much. PONYBOY:What’s there to tell. He’s big and roofs houses. CHERRY: Well is he wild and wreckless like Soda? Dreamy like you? PONYBOY: He ain’t like Soda and he sure ain’t like me. He can’t stand me. TWOBIT: What are you talkin’ about? JOHNNY: Yeah I thought you guys got along real well. PONYBOY: Well we don’t and you can just shut your trap Johnny Cade cuz you ain’t wanted at home either. TWOBIT: You watch your mouth kid. PONYBOY: I’m sorry. I was just upset. JOHNNY: That’s alright. Don’t worry about it.

Cherry: Thanks he had me scared to death. Johnny: You sure didn’t show it. Ain’t nobody ever talked to Dal like that. Cherry: From what I saw you do

CHERRY: Thanks he had me scared to death. JOHNNY: You sure didn’t show it. Ain’t nobody ever talked to Dal like that. CHERRY: From what I saw you do. MARCIA: Why don’t you two come sit up here. You can protect us. Marcia: How old are you boys? PONYBOY:14 JOHNNY:16 MARCIA: I would’ve thought you were both 14. JOHNNY:How come you weren’t scared of us like you was Dal? CHERRY: You two are too sweet lookin’ to scare annyone. PONYBOY: Oh yeah we’re young and innocent. CHERRY: No. Just not dirty. Besides I allready know about Dallas Winston. JOHNNY: Dal’s allright. He’s tough and all but he’s a cool little guy once you get to know him.

CHERRY: Your friend, the one with the sideburns is he okay? PONYBOY: He’s not dangerous like Dal if that’s what you mean. CHERRY: He sure scared Johnny. PONYBOY: Johnny’s a nervous wreck anyway. He got beat up a few months ago by a group of Socs. CHERRY: Is that how he got his scar. PONYBOY: Yeah the guy was wearing a few rings. CHERRY: We’re not all like that. PONYBOY: Sure. CHERRY: That’d be like saying all you Greasers were like Dallas Winston.

Cherry:Are you gonna start in on us now too? Ponyboy:No. Cherry:You don’t look the type anyway. What’s your name? Ponyboy: Ponyboy Curtis. Cherry: Well tha’s an original name. Ponyboy: Yeah well my dad was an original person. I got a brother named Sodapop. It even says so on his birth certificate.

CHERRY:Tell me about your other brother. You never seem to talk about him much.PONYBOY:What’s there to tell? He’s big and roofs houses.CHERRY:Tell me about Darry. Is he wild and wreckless like Soda? Dreamy like you? PONYBOY: He ain’t like Soda and he sure ain’t like me. He can’t stand me. I bet he wishes he could stick me in some boys home but Soda won’t let him. TWOBIT: What are you talkin’ about? JOHNNY: Yeah I always thought you guys got along real well. PONYBOY: Well we don’t and you can just shut your trap Johnny Cade ’cause you ain’t wanted at home neither. TWOBIT: You watch your mouth kid. PONYBOY: I’m sorry. I was just upset. JOHNNY: It’s allright. Don’t worry about it.

Chocolate cake for breakfast?

Comon Johnny…we’re running away!

Dal: I dunno Johnny one of those beach movies,you know ,they put out a whole bunch of ’em.

Dallas: Johnny, you don’t know what a few months in jail can do to you, man. You get mean in jail, I just don’t wanna see that happen to you like it happened to me, man. Understand?

dallas: Texas man, God

DALLAS: We beat the Socs. Chased ’em right out of our neighborhood. JOHNNY: It don’t do no good. Fighting’s useless. DALLAS:…They’re still writing editorials about you in the paper. JOHNNY: Ponyboy. Stay gold,Ponyboy,stay gold.{Johnny dies} DALLAS: Come on Johnny don’t die on me now. So this is what you get for helping people.

Dallas: You think my old man gives a hang if I’m dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something? He doesn’t care. But that doesn’t bother me. You’re not going anywhere.

Dally waits for Ponyboy and Johnny at the corner of Picket and Sutton.
Johnny: Hey Dal.
Ponyboy: What’sup?
Dally: We’re early.
Ponyboy: What ya wanna do?
Dally: Nothin legal man, lets get outta here.

DALLY: Did I say you guys could play on my grass. KID:No. DALLY: Give me them cards. You guys ever play 52 pick-up. KID: Yes. DALLY: Look don’t get wise. I don’t like little kids I just don’t like them.[Drops cards] DALLY: Get ’em. I’m gonna kill you little kids. [Chase kids] DALLY: It’s getting dark. JOHNNY: Yeah let’s go.

DALLY: Hey wake up. PONYBOY: Hey Dal. DALLY: Get up. JOHNNY: Hey Dallas. How you doin’? Did you here anything? Is the fuzz after us?

Dally: How is he? How’s Johnny doin’? Two-Bit: …Look, I don’t know a lot about stuff like this, but he ain’t lookin’ so good… Dally: … You still got that knife on ya? Two-Bit: The knife. Give it here… You know we gotta win that rumble. We gotta get even with those Socs! Let’s do it for Johnny, man! We’ll do it for JOHNNY!!!!

DALLY: Man I’m hungry. JOHNNY: Try bologna for four days. [Dallas laughs]

DALLY: Some cute redhead huh? Are you a real redhead? Are you real? How can I find out if this is your real red hair? IF this is the same red hair on your….these eyebrows. JOHNNY: Cut it out Dal. CHERRY: Get your feet off my chair and shut your trap. DALLY: Who’s gonna make me? JOHNNY: I’m gonna get a coke. DALLY: Who your boyfriend? CHERRY: You better leave us alone or I’ll call the cops. DALLY: Oh my my. This girls making me shake what am i gonna do now Pony? CHERRY: Why don’t you just leave us alone? BE NICE and leave us alone. DALLY: I’m never nice. Can I interest you in a coca cola or a seven up? CHERRY: GET LOST HOOD! DALLY: Sorry I didn’t know. I didn’t know you had this problem with yelling in my face. Allright I’ll go. I know I’m not wanted. CHERRY: Are you gonna start in on us now too. PONYBOY: No. CHERRY: You don’t look the type anyway. What’s your name? PONYBOY: Ponyboy Curtis. CHERRY: That’s an original name. PONYBOY: Yeah well my dad was an original person. I’ve got a brother named Sodapop. It even says so on his birth certificate. CHERRY: My name’s Sherri but my friends call me Cherry ’cause of my hair. PONYBOY: I know. We go to the same school. You’re a cheerleader. CHERRY: Yeah. Marcia: You don’t look old enough to be going to highschool. CHERRY: What’s a nice boy like you doing hanging around with that trash Dallas Winston? PONYBOY: Dally’s my buddy. I’m a greaser too. We’re all friends. CHERRY:Sorry I didn’t know.[pause] CHERRY: Your brother Sodapop works at gas station a DX I think. {Johnny comes back} He’s a doll I should have known you was his brother. Marcia: How come we don’t see your brother around school anymore? Has he been working alot since your parents died? PONYBOY: He’s a dropout. CHERRY: Oh that’s too bad. {Dally comes back} DALLY:Here maybe this wil cool you off. CHERRY:{throws coke in Dallas’s face} Maybe that’ll cool you off greaser. Maybe when you learn to talk and act decent I might cool off too. DALLY: Fiery huh? Just the way

Dally: You’re never gonna get me alive!!

Daly:there ain’t no rumble a rumble without me ponyboy gets hit first and the rumble starts

Darry- You ever think of a job for a living, Two-Bit?

DARRY: Man, that guy had sharp teeth

Darry: Hey Pony, I don’t think you ought to be in this rumble?
Ponyboy: Why? I’ve always come through before haven’t I?
Darry:Yeah, but you was in shape before. You ain’t lookin’ so good, you’re too tensed up all the time.
Sodapop: C’mon Darry, let him fight man.Everyone’s tensed up before a rumble. Skin against skin, he ain’t gonna get hurt is he?(slightly pushes pony and gives Darry a smack on the back)
Ponyboy: I’ll be ok.
Darry: We will need every man we can get, but I dunno.
Ponyboy: Look if it was knives or chains or somethin’ it’d be different. I’ll be ok.
Darry: Well, ok, but you be careful.
Ponyboy: I will be.(looks at Soda) How come you don’t worry ‘bout him so much?
Darry: This is one kid brother I ain’t got to worry about, this kid can use his head, at least for one thing to grow hair on.(gives Soda a noogie)
Sodapop: What you doin’?
….And they all run out the door.

DARRY: i thought we lost you like we did.. mom and dad

Darry: Say hi to Johnny for us. ~ Two-Bit: Hi.


DARRY: Where the hell have you been?! Do you know what time it is?! Well, it’s 2:00 in the mornin’, kiddo.
SODA: Hey Pony, where y’been?
PONYBOY: I fell asleep in the lot.
DARRY: You what?!
PONYBOY: I was talkin’ to Johnny and we fell asleep. I didn’t mean to.
DARRY: Yeah? An’ I can’t even call the cops cuz somethin’ like that’d get you two thrown in a boys’ home so fast it’d make your heads spin!
SODA: C’mon Pony, let’s go to bed.
PONYBOY: Look, I said I didn’t mean to!
DARRY: ‘I didn’t mean to’! ‘I forgot’! That’s all I ever hear from you!
SODA: Hey c’mon, Darry!
DARRY: You shut up! I’m sick o’ hearin’ you stick up for him, y’hear me?!
PONYBOY: DON’T YOU YELL AT HIM! (DARRY shoves PONYBOY. PONYBOY jumps up and runs out the door)
DARRY: Pony, I…I didn’t mean to!

Darry:Hey Pony, I don’t think you ought to be in this rumble.
Pony:Why? I’ve always come through before ain’t I?
Darry: Ya, but you was in shape before. You ain’t lookin’ so good, you’re too tensed up all the time.
Soda: C’mon Darry, let him fight man. Everyone’s tensed up before a rumble. Skin against skin, he ain’t gonna get hurt is he?(slightly pushes Ponyboy and slaps Darry’s back.
Darry:We will need every man we can get but i dunno.
Ponyboy:look, if it was knives or chain or somethin’ it’d be different, I’ll be ok.
Darry, well ok but you be careful.
Ponyboy:I will be,(looks at Soda)how come you don’t worry ’bout him so much?
Darry:This is one kid brother I don’t have to worry about. This kid can use his head. At least for one thing to grow hair on.
Soda(yells):what you doin’?

Darry:Hey Pony, I don’t think you ought to be in this rumble.
Pony:Why? I’ve always come through before ain’t I?
Darry: Ya, but you was in shape before. You ain’t lookin’ so good, you’re too tensed up all the time.
Soda: C’mon Darry, let him fight man. Everyone’s tensed up before a rumble. Skin against skin, he ain’t gonna get hurt is he?(slightly pushes Ponyboy and slaps Darry’s back.)
Darry:We will need every man we can get but i dunno.
Ponyboy:look, if it was knives or chains or somethin’ it’d be different, I’ll be ok.
Darry, well ok but you be careful.
Ponyboy:I will be,(looks at Soda)how come you don’t worry ’bout him so much?
Darry:This is one kid brother I don’t have to worry about. This kid can use his head. At least for one thing to grow hair on.
Soda(yells):what you doin’?

DARRY:When I need advice on how to take care of one kid brother, I’ll ask my other kid brother, kid brother.


Get the 3:15 train to Windrexville, its a freight, theres an abandoned church on top of Jay mountain, theres a pump in the back so you dont need to worry about water. Get a weeks supply of food this morning before the sotry gets out and then dont so much as stick your noses out the door, i’ll be up there when i think everythings cool. man i though new york was the only place i would get caught in a murder rap.

gimme the money!!!!

Go ‘head, get’chyer jollies

greasas’ will be greasas’, an’ soshs’ will be soshs’..

greasas’ will be greasas’, an’ soshs’ will be soshs’..

Hate to tell you this buddy, but you have to wear clothes to work. There’s a law or something.

He saw his picture in the paper. He couldn’t believe it didn’t have Wanted Dead or Alive underneath it.

He’s lookin like a real big shotty!

hey baby wanna see whats hanngin?


Hey two-bit Mickeys on t.v.

Hey Two-Bit, Mickey’s on TV

Hey, you got a cancer stick, Johnny?

Hey…you gotta wear pants too…there’s a law or something

how come you like fights soda

I dont like little kids, I just dont like….

I hear they stamp your face into gorilla cookies.

I hope I never see Dallas Winston again. If I do, I’ll probably fall in love with him.

I hope I never see Dallas Winston again.Cause if i do i’ll just fall in love with him.

I’m never nice. ~Dallas Winston

I, I killed him, I killed that Boy. I think I’m gonna be sick. Go ahead man, I ain’t gonna look at you, I ain’t gonna look.

If he gets killed, you just bury him. No sweat.

If he was smart like me, he wouldn’t be in this mess. If he was smart like me, he wouldn’t have ran in that church…Get tough like me and you don’t get hurt. Watch out for yourself and nothing can touch you, man!

is this the same hair that you have on your your your piece a hair on your eyebrow there?dallas

isnt ponyboy cute o yea im a guy i would like to fuck him hes dreamy and cool man hes got nice arms nad legs hes got a nice ass hes tuff i just wish he was black

It’s like the mist is what’s pretty you know…all gold and silver. Nothing gold can stay

It’s like the mist is what’s pretty, you know…all gold and silver. Too bad it can’t stay like that all the time….Nothing gold can stay.

It’s like the mist is whats pretty, you know…all gold and silver. Too bad it can’t stay like that all the time….Nothing gold can stay

JERRY:You shouldn’t be smokin’ kid. PONYBOY:Why not? JERYY:’Cause you’re a young man that’s why. PONYBOY:Your smokin’. JERRY:I’m and old man. I’ve been smokin’ for a loong time.

Johnny Cade: Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold!

Johnny- I…I killed him. I killed that boy. I killed him. Ponyboy- Oh Johnny I think I’m gonna be sick. Johnny- Go ahead man I ain’t gonna look at you. I ain’t gonna look. Pony? Are you okay? Ponyboy- You really did kill him huh Johnny? Johnny- Yeah. I had to. They were drowning you. They might have killed you. They were gonna beat me up. Ponyboy- What happened to the other guys? Johnny- Huh? They ran. They all ran off when I stabbed him.

JOHNNY: Dally. We gotta see Dally. BUCK MERRILL: Dally’s busy. JOHNNY: Tell him it’s Ponyboy and Johnny. He’ll come. DALLY: What? PONYBOY: Johnny killed the soc. DALLY: Allright good for you now get out of here. JOHNNY: I’m sorry for gettin’ you away from your party but I figured if anyone could help us you could.

Johnny: Go ahead,get your jollies. Ponyboy: It would be my pleasure. Johnny: Yeah I know it would. Be nice. OWW! Ponyboy: It hurts don’t it. Johnny: Yeah it does. I didn’t cut that much off of yours. Ponyboy: Well this was your idea smartie.

JOHNNY: Hey Dally. Dallas: We’re early. PONYBOY: What ya wanna do? DALLAS: Nothin’ leagal man let’s get outta here.

JOHNNY: Hey Pony this oughta do it. PONYBOY: Oh yeah this really makes me look tuff. JOHNNY: Go ahead. Get your jollies. PONYBOY: It’d be my pleasure. JOHNNY: Yeah I know it would. Be nice. OWW! PONYBOY: It hurts don’t it? JOHNNY: Yeah it does. Hey I didn’t cut that much off of you. PONYBOY: This was your idea smartie.

JOHNNY: Hey Pony this oughta do it. PONYBOY: Oh yeah this really makes me look tuff. JOHNNY: Go ahead. Get your jollies. PONYBOY: It’d be my pleasure. JOHNNY: Yeah I know it would. Be nice. OWW! PONYBOY: It hurts don’t it? JOHNNY: Yeah it does. Hey I didn’t cut that much off of you. PONYBOY: This was your idea smartie. JOHNNY: Well I guess we’re disguised. Shoot Pony, it’s just hair. PONYBOY: Shoot nothing. It’s like being trapped in a Halloween costume you can’t get out of and I hate it! JOHNNY: Well it’s either our looks or us.

JOHNNY: I…I killed him. I killed that boy. I killed him. PONYBOY: Johnny,I think I’m gonna be sick. JOHNNY: Go ahead man. I ain’t gonna look at ya. I ain’t gonna look. Pony, are you okay? PONYBOY: You really did kill him huh Johnny? JOHNNY: Yeah I had to. They were drowning you. They might have killed you. They were gonna beat me up. PONYBOY: What happened to the other guys? JOHNNY: Huh? They ran. They all ran off when I stabbed him.

JOHNNY: I…I killed him. I killed that boy. PONYBOY: Johnny,I think I’m gonna be sick. JOHNNY: Go ahead man. I ain’t gonna look at ya. I ain’t gonna look. Pony, are you okay? PONYBOY: You really did kill him huh Johnny? JOHNNY: Yeah I had to. They were drowning you. They might have killed you. They were gonna beat me up. PONYBOY: What happened to the other guys? JOHNNY: Huh? They ran. They all ran off when I stabbed him.

JOHNNY: It sure is pretty huh? PONYBOY:HMMM. JOHNNY: It’s like the mist is what’s pretty. All gold and silver. Too bad it can’t stay that way all the time. PONYBOY: Nothing gold can stay. JOHNNY: What? PONYBOY: Nature’s first green is gold/Her hardest hue to hold/Her ealy leafs a flower/But only so an hour/Then leaf subsides to leaf/So Eden sank to grief/So dawn goes down to dAY/Nothing gold can stay. JOHNNY: Where’d you learn that. That’s what I meant. PONYBOY: Robert Frost wrote it. I always remembered it cause I never quite knew what he meant by it.

JOHNNY: It’s just because we’re Greasers, Pony. It’d probably ruin their reputation or something. Don’t worry about it. Man that was a tuff car huh? Mustangs. They’re tuff. {Silent for a few moments} JOHNNY: I can’t take much more of this Ponyboy. I’ll kill myself or something. PONYBOY: Johnny don’t kill yourself. JOHNNY: Well,I’ve got to do something. Seems like there’s gotta be some place without Greasers or Socs. Just plain ordinary people. Just people. PONYBOY: It’s like that out in the country. {Dreams about parents} JOHNNY: Ponyboy. Wake up. PONYBOY: God Johnny what time is it? JOHNNY: I don’t know I went to sleep too. You better get home. I’m gonna sleep out here. They don’t care anyway. PONYBOY: Allright but if you get cold come to our house. JOHNNY: Yeah allright. PONYBOY: What’s Darry gonna say?

JOHNNY: That’s tuff enogh huh?

JOHNNY: That’s tuff enough huh?

JOHNNY: That’s tuff enough huh? TWOBIT: You can look at it later. You need anything? JOHNNY: The book,man. Can you get me another one? PONYBOY: I think he wants a copy of Gone With The Wind so I can read it to him. TWOBIT:Yeah they got a gift shop downstairs I’ll go get him one.

JOHNNY: We’re goin’ back to turn ourselves in. DALLY: What? JOHNNY: We’re gonna go back and turn ourselves in. It ain’t fair for Darry and Soda to have to worry about Ponyboy all the time. Not that my folks are worried about me. DALLY: Hey the gangs worried. Do you know Two-Bit wanted to go to Texas to hunt for you. JOHNNY: Dally,I asked if my parents asked about me. DALLY: No they didn’t ask about you. But so what? Do you think my old man gives a hang if I’m dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something. He doesn’t care but that doesn’t bother me none.

JOHNNY: Well I guess we’re disguised. Shoot Pony it’s just hair. PONY: Shoot nothin’. It’s like being in a Halloween costume you can’t get out of and I hate it. JOHNNY: Well it’s our looks or us.

Johnny:c’mon, Dal. leave her alone. Dallas:what did you say? Johnny:i said leave her alone. Dallas:what did you say, you little shit? what did you say to me?

Jonny: Its seems like the mist is whats pretty ya know, Like gold and silver.

Let’s get out of here or Two-Bit will think we eloped to Mexico.

Lets do it for Johnny!


Look at the bald headed monkey

Look at the blond-headed monkey!

Look at the blonde-headed monkey!

Look at their pants!! (Laughing) Yall waitin’ on a flood?

Man that guys so greasy he glides when he walks

Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold, her early leaf’s a flower, But only so an hour, Then leaf subsides to leaf, So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down today, Nothing gold can stay

Natures first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Early leafs a flower
Only So an hour
Then leaf subsides to leaf
and Eden sinks to greif
Dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay

natures first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold.
her early leafs a flower, but only so an hour.
then leaf subsides to leaf,so eden sank to grief.
so dawn goes down to day,
nothing gold can stay

Nice pants. You boys expecting a flood? Hey, I hear they stamp your face into gorilla cookies.

nothing gold can stay

Nurse: what’s happened to your gown? Dally: I threw it away…get out..just get out Nurse: I am gonna be so glad…..(etc)*dally does his little laugh* Two-Bit: hey.. how u doin’? Dally: hey how u doin’ man? I am glad u guys stopped by…this place gives the me the creeps.. I WANT OUT! Tim Shepard dropped by, started rubbin’ it in about the rumble, I have missing it. Saw my picture in the the paper, couldn’t beleive it didn’t have: wanted dead or alive, written underneath it. Got a cigarette Pon?… Thanx.. hey how is he? hows Johnny doin’ man? Two-Bit: look Dal, I ain’t to good about with these things, but he didn’t look to good, passed out cold before we left. Dally: still got the knife on ya? the KNIFE.. give it to me will ya… we gotta win this fight tonight! we gotta get even with those socs! we gotta do it for Johnny man! LET’S DO IT FOR JOHNNY!!!!!

Nurse:Johnny your mother’s here to see you. Johnny:I don’t want to see her. Nurse:But she’s your mother. Johnny:I said I don’t want to see her. She probably just come to yell at me anyway. Why don’t you just tell her to leave me alone. -Johnny passes out-

Pony: I’m freezin’, man. ~ Dallas: Why didn’t you bring a coat, stupid? ~ Pony: I forgot.

Pony: what’s up..? *pauses* what do ya wanna do? Dal: Nothin’ legal man, let’s get out of here…HEY did I say you could play on my grass? lil kids: no…(etc..I am not gonna go on to that whole thing)

Ponyboy, I asked the nurse to give you this book so you could finish it. The doctor came in a little while ago but I knew anyway. I keep getting tireder and tireder. Listen, I don’t mind dying now. It’s worth it. It’s worth saving those kids. Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for. Some of their parents came in to thank me and I know it was worth it. Tell Dally its worth it. I’m going to miss oyu guys. I’ve been thinkng about it and that poem, that guy that wrote it, he meant you’re gold when you’re a kid, like green. When you’re a kid everything’s new, dawn. It’s just when you get used to everything that it’s day. Like the way you dig sunsets, Pony. That’s gold. Keep that way, it’s a good way to be. I want you to tell Dally to look at one. He’ll probally think you’re crazy, but ask for me. I don’t think he’s ever really seen a sunset. And don’t be so bugged over being a greaser. You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There’s still lots of good in the world. Tell Dally. I don’t think he knows. Your buddy, Johnny.

ponyboy, i asked the nurse to give you this book so you could finish reading it. it was worth saving those little kids. their lives were worth more than mine.they had more to live for. tell dally it was worth it. i’m gonna miss you guys. i’ve been thinkin’ ’bout it. in that poem the guy who wrote it meant your gold when your a kid like green. when your a kid everything is new,dawn. like the way you dig sunsets pony. that’s gold. keep it that way it’s a good way to be. i want you to ask dally to look at one. i dont think he’s ever seen a sunset. ther’s still lots of good in the world. tell dally i don’t think he knows. your buddy,johnny. -letter from johnny-

Ponyboy, I liked you fro the start , the way we talked.

Ponyboy: Come on, we’d better get back or Two-Bit’ll think we ‘loped to Mexico.

PONYBOY: Do you got a cigarette Johnny,I’m scared. JOHNNY: Well don’t be man your scarin’ me. What happened? PONYBOY: Darry hit me. I swear we used to get along fine before mom and dad died. Now he can’t stand me. JOHNNY: I think I like better when my old man’s hitting me. At least he knows I’m there.

PONYBOY: Do you like fights Soda? SODA: Yeah I like ’em. PONYBOY:How come? SODA:I don’t know. It’s like a contest. Like a drag race or a dance or something. STEVE: When I fight I wanna stomp the other guy. PONYBOY: How come you like fights Darry? Soda:He Likes to show off his muscles! DARRY: I’m gonna show ’em off on you little buddy if you get any mouthier!

Ponyboy: Hey Soda, when did ya start shaving? Sodapop: when i was 15.
Ponyboy: When di….When did Darry? Sodapop: when he was 13. Why you think u’ll grow a beard before the rumble?
Ponyboy: Oh your funny. I ought to send you into readers digest or something. I hear you get paid good money for something funny!!

Ponyboy: Is that guy coming? Johnny: No. Ponyboy: How come,too scared? Johnny: Naw, too fat man.

PONYBOY: is that guy commin’?
PONYBOY: to scared?
JOHNNY: no to fat!

PONYBOY: OWWWWWWW! JOHNNY: Sorry man. PONYBOY: Don’t pull so hard. JOHNNY: Quit gabbin’. PONYBOY: Can I see now? JOHNNY: No we gotta bleach it first. PONYBOY: Well then bleach it quit cuttin’. JOHNNY: Pony, this oughta do it.{holds up mirror} PONYBOY:Yeah this really makes me look tuff. JOHNNY: Go ahead get your jollies. PONYBOY: My pleasure. JOHNNY: Yeah I know it is. Be nice. PONYBOY: It hurts don’t it? JOHNNY: Yeah. I didn’t cut that much off you. PONYBOY: Well this was your idea smartie!

PONYBOY: People get killed from heaters
GIRL: Hey mister you got 15 cents? You got 15 cents mister?
DALLY: No, I don’t got no change
GIRL: you got 15 cents mister?
DALLY: no go away!
GIRL: (walks away & comes back)You got a dime mister?

Ponyboy: Well Dally’s gonna be allright. Me and Darry have been getting along real good now. {Johnny groans} Ponyboy: Johnny, are you allright? Johnny: Yeah. It just hurts sometimes. It don’t usually ’cause I can’t feel nothin’ below the middle of my back. I’m pretty bad off huh? Ponboy: Your gonna be allright. You’ve gotta be. We couldn’t get along without you. Johnny: I won’t be able to walk again. Even with crutches. Doc says I busted my back.

Ponyboy: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house I had two things on my mind;Paul Newman and a ride home.

Ponyboy:swarms of flies stay crawling and buzzing in their faces.
Johnny:Man that’s gross!

Quit gabbin’.

Randy You can’t win. You know that, don’t you? It doesn’t matter if you whip us, you’ll still be where you were before, at the bottom. And we’ll still be the lucky ones at the top with all the breaks. It doesn’t matter. Greasers will still be greasers and socs will still be socs. It doesn’t matter.

Randy: your looking for a fight….

so as i walked out into the sunset from the movie house, i had 2 things on my mind: paul newman and a ride home

Soda- yeah, I like fights….it’s like a drag race or dance ‘er sumthin’…
Steve- ya’ like fights, ‘eh? I’m gonna stop them Soc’s and like it…too…
(Steve wins arm wrestle between them both…)

sodapop: hes likes to show off his muscels
darry: im gonna show him off on you kid, you get any mouthier

Stay gold Pony Boy stay gold~*Jordan*~ (L)(K)MWAH(K)(L)

Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.

Steve: Beer for breakfast there, Two-Bit?

STEVE: Hey Soda here come the hobos.

Steve: what’do you think, Soda? think it makes me look tough?
Soda:i think it makes you look different. Steve: what’do you mean by different? Soda: you’ve got a hole in your mouth.

Steve: Where is Soda and Super dope anyhow?
Shower curtain opens and Soda looks out with a towel on.
Steve: Wow. Mornin’ Mr. Universe.
Soda tells Ponyboy: Shut the door.
Darry: Super what?
Steve: All brawn no brain.
Soda: Darry, have you seen my DX shirt?
Darry: No.
Steve: Hate to tell ya this buddy, but you have to wear pants to work there’s a law or somethin’ ‘bout that.
Soda nods his head.
Soda: How ‘bout my jeans?
Darry: Ya I ironed they’re in the closet, hey hurry up you’re gonna be late.
Soda: I’m hurryin’, I’m hurryin’.
Ponyboy: Darry……….Darry, did you hear about the juvenile court thing?
Darry: Ya the cops told me last night.
Soda: After we stomp the socs real good, me and steve are gonna throw a party and everyone’s gonna get ripped.
Steve: (yells) Ow!!!
Darry: Where you gonna get the dough little man?
Soda: I’ll think of somethin’. Hey Two-Bit, Mickey’s on T.V.
Darry: Hey Pony.
Darry: I hate to leave you here by yourself, maybe I ought to take the day off.
Ponyboy: Why? I stay by myself lots of times and besides we can’t afford it.
Darry: Ya but I really ought to stay.
Two-Bit: Don’t worry Darry I’ll babysit him.
Ponyboy smacks Two-Bit in the head and the two begin to wrestle.
Steve: Ever think of getting’ a job earn a livin.
Two-Bit: Work and ruin my rep.
Steve: Hey Soda we gotta get work.
Ponyboy: I gotta quit smokin’ or I won’t make track next year.
Two-Bit: Uncle!
Ponyboy: No.
Two-Bit: I’m gonna cut off your hair.
Ponyboy: Aaahhhh.
Darry: Two-Bit lay off.
Ponyboy: Ya Two-Bit lay off!
Darry He ain’t lookin’ so good. Pony, if you smoke more than a pack today, I’ll skin you, you understand?
Ponyboy: Ya, you carry more than one bundle of roofin’ today and me and Soda here’ll(points at Soda) skin you.
Darry laughs
Steve points at Soda’s bare feet: Soda shoes.
Soda looks down, realized he has no shoes and goes to get them.
Darry: Say hi to Johnny for us.
Soda: Lets go Steve. See ya Pony, bye Two-Bit.

Steve:Hey I hate to tell you this buddy but you got to wear clothes to work. There’s a law or something.

That little broad sure does hate me. I offered to take her out to the Dingo for a Coke, and she told me to go to hell. So yu think she might like me a little bit?

the sunset is the same from both sides

Things are rough all over

Things are rough all over.

Things arerough all over

two bit: look!!! its the blond headed monkey

Two-Bit- Anybody home? Ponyboy- Yah, in here… don’t slam the door (Seve slams is anyways, and two-bit swings Pony around)Two-Bit- PONYBOY CURTIS! Pony- Look wut u made me do… made me drop my spoon,… (trails off) my eggs… -look at the blond-headed monkey! Steve- Wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen that in the paper there, Two-Bit… Pony- Please… (throws rag) Steve- So, tell me Ponyboy, wuts it like bein’ a hero? Pony- a what? Steve- A hero man, you know, lika lika big shot, even. Beer for breakfast there, Two-Bit? Two-Bit- what I like is thee-uh turn-a-hero bit, there… Pony- They’re charging Johnny with, MANSLAUGHTER? Well that’s what you get for these covers! (i think that’s what he says! :)Steve- also says how you saved those tehy had burned t’ death if it hadn’t been for you Two-Bit- Boy, Dallas will be mad to hear that they didn’t even mess with his police record… Steve- ain’t that the truth Pony- It’s all about us… me, Darry, and Soda. And now they’re talking about puttn’ me and Soda in a boys home? No way, they ain’t puttn’ me in a boys home Steve- Awe, hell, Ponyboy, they don’t do that to heros… hey where is-uh Soda and super dope anyhow? Soda- Shut… Shut the door Pony- Steve- Whoah, Mornin’ Mr. Universe! Darry- Super- what? Steve- all brawn, no brains… (Darry mumbles)Soda- Hey Darry, have u seen my DX shirt? Darry- No… Steve- I think u gotta where pants. I hear it’s a law or sumthin’ like that- Soda- Hey, what about my jeans? Pony- Darry—? Darry- Yah, I iron’ ’em, they’re in my closet… Pony- Darry—? Darry- You better hurry up or you’ll be late… Soda- I’m hurryin’! Pony- Darry—? You hear about that whole juvenile court thing? Darry- Yah, cops told me last night Soda- After the rumble, me and Soda are gonna throw a party and everyone’s gonna get ripped! Steve- Owww, Whoo! Darry- Yah, where ya’ gonna get the dough little man? Soda- I’ll thin of sumthin—

Two-bit:shoot,kid, this house ain’t messy. you should see my house. Ponyboy:i have an’ if you had the sence of a billy goat, you’d start cleanin’ your house up instead of bumbin’ around ours. Two-bit:shoot,kid…if i ever did that, my mom would die of shock

Two-Bit:What do you think about me becoming your personal bodyguard,Ponyboy?
Ponyboy:I don’t think it’s too hot of an idea

TWOBIT: I’m gonna kill you Greaser. {Everyone screams then laughs} JOHNNY:Get out of my hair! TWOBIT: Who are these ladies your great grandmothers? JOHNNY:Dal was bothering ’em and they asked us to sit up here with them. TWOBIT: Where is old Dally at anyway? TIM: Yeah where is old Dally? PONYBOY: He left Tim. TIM: Look I know he slashed my tires. PONYBOY: Really he left. Have you all seen Dal? { everyone says no} TIM: I’ll be lookin’ for him. [Tim leaves] TWOBIT:Has Dally got a blade with him? JOHNNY: I don’t think so. TWOBIT:Good Tim will fight fair as long as he don’t.

TWOBIT: Look at their pants! {Laughs} Are you waiting on a flood?

TwoBit:Look i’m a Soc.
Pony:And what do you do for fun?
TwoBit:I jump greasers,Break windows at partys,and throw beer blasts!

Way to cool you off greaser! When you learn to talk and act decent I might cool off too!

We’re going to that rumble tonight. And we’re gonna get even with them soches! Let’s do it for Johnny, man! Let’s do it for Johnny!

Well who do we got here, Your great-grandmothers?

What happened to your gown? I threw it out – Get out of here, you make me stomach sick.

What You what to do?
Nothin’ leagal man lets get out of here

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.

Why do you bother to help people huh!? It doesnt do any good.

Work?! And ruin my rep?
– Two-bit


You can’t win. You know that, don’t you? It doesn’t matter if you whip us, you’ll still be where you were before, at the bottom. And we’ll still be the lucky ones at the top with all the breaks. It doesn’t matter. Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs. It doesn’t matter.

[Cherry]: How old are y’all? [Ponyboy]: 14. [Johnny]: 16. [Marcia]: I would’ve thought you were both 14!

[Cherry]: How old are y’all? [Ponyboy]: 14. [Johnny]: 16. [Marcia]: I would’ve thought you were both 14!

[Cherry]: How’s Johnny doin’? [Ponyboy]: Not so good. Would you come up to see him? [Cherry]: No, I couldn’t. [Ponyboy]: Why not? [Cherry]: I couldnt… He killed Bob. Maybe Bob deserved it. I know he did. But you didn’t know his other side. He could be real sweet. He wasn’t just any other boy. He had something that made people follow him. Maybe a little better than the crowd. [Ponyboy]: That’s okay, I don’t want you to see him anyway. We don’t need any of your damn charity! [Cherry]: Ponyboy! I wasn’t trying to give you charity! I was only trying to help. I liked you from the start. [Ponyboy]: …Can you see the sunset from the south side real good? [Cherry]: Yeah, real good. [Ponyboy]: You can from the north side, too.

[Cherry]: I hope I never see Dallas Winston again. If I do, I’d… probably fall in love with him.

[Cherry]: What’re you doin’ hanging around with that trash? [Ponyboy]: Dally’s my buddy. I’m a Greaser too. We’re all friends.

[Cherry]: You think the Socs have it made? The rich kids. The Southside Soc. Ponyboy, this may come as a surprise, but things are rough all over.

[Dallas]: Hey, get over here! You’ll die of pneumonia before the cops ever get to you.

[Dallas]: Hey, Johnny. We beat the Socs, chased ’em right outta our neighborhood! [Johnny]: …It’s useless… Fightin’ ain’t no good. [Dallas]: …You know, they’re still writin’ editorials about you in the paper, for bein’ a hero and all. [Johnny]: …Ponyboy… Stay gold, Ponyboy… Stay gold… [dies] [Dallas]: Johnny? Johnny, come on, man. Don’t die on me now!

[Dallas]: I ain’t itchin’ to be the one to tell your big brother about this, I’ll get my head kicked in.

[Dallas]: Man, I thought New York was the only place I could end up in a murder rap. Jesus Christ!

[Dallas]: We gotta win that fight. We gotta get EVEN with those Socs! Let’s do it for JOHNNY, man! We’ll do it for JOHNNY!!!

[Dallas]: You think my old man gives a hang if I’m dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something? He doesn’t care! But that doesn’t bother me none. You’re not going anywhere.

[Dally]: Do you know Two-Bit wanted to go to Texas to hunt for you?

[Darry]: Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is? Well its 2:00 in the morning, kiddo! [Soda]: Hey, Pony, where ya been? [Ponyboy]: I fell asleep in the lot. [Darry]: You WHAT?! [Ponyboy]: I was talkin’ to Johnny and I fell asleep in the lot. I didn’t mean to. [Darry]: Yeah, hey! And I can’t even call the cops because you two would be put in a boys’ home so fast it would make your heads spin. [Soda]: Come on, Pony, let’s go to bed. [Ponyboy]: Look, I said I didn’t mean to! [Darry]: ‘I didn’t mean to’, ‘I forgot’. That’s all I ever hear from you! [Soda]: Come on, Darry. [Darry]: You shut up! I’m sick and tired of you stickin’ up for him, you hear me?! [Ponyboy]: Don’t you yell at him! [Darry shoves Ponyboy. Ponyboy runs out] [Darry]: Ponyboy, I didn’t mean to!

[Johnny]: Hey, Dally, leave her alone. [Dally]: What’d you say? [Johnny]: Come on… [Dally]: What’d you say, you little shit? What’d you say to me? Wiseass.

[Johnny]: I used to talk about killin’ myself. I don’t wanna die now. 16 years ain’t long enough. 16 years ain’t gonna be long enough! I wouldn’t mind it so much if there weren’t so many things I ain’t done, so many damn things I ain’t seen or nuthin’. That time we were up in Windrixville was the only time I’ve ever been away from our neighborhood. [Ponyboy, crying]: Cut it out, Johnny. If you get too juiced up, the doctor won’t let us see you no more.

[Johnny]: I used to talk about killin’ myself. Man, I don’t wanna die now. 16 years ain’t long enough. 16 years ain’t gonna be long enough! I wouldn’t mind it so much if there weren’t so many things I ain’t done, so many damn things I ain’t seen or nuthin’. That time we were up in Windrixville was the only time I’ve ever been away from our neighborhood. [Ponyboy, crying]: Cut it out, Johnny. If you get too juiced up, the doctor won’t let us see you no more.

[Johnny]: I… I killed him. I killed that boy… I killed him. [Ponyboy]: Johnny, I think I’m gonna be sick! [Johnny]: Go ahead, man, I… I ain’t gonna look at ya. [Ponyboy barfs] [Johnny]: Pony… ? You okay? [Ponyboy]: You really did kill ‘im, huh Johnny? [Johnny]: Yeah… I had to. They were drownin’ you. They might’ve killed you! They were gonna beat me up. [Ponyboy]: What happened to the others? [Johnny]: Huh? They… They all ran, after I stabbed him…

[Johnny]: It’s like the mist is whats pretty, all gold and silver. Too bad it can’t stay like that all the time. [Ponyboy]: Nothing gold can stay. [Johnny]: Huh? [Ponyboy]: Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower. But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, so Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down today. Nothing gold… can stay. [Johnny]: Where’d you learn that? That’s what I meant. [Ponyboy]: Robert Frost wrote it. I always remembered it cos i never quite knew what he meant. [Johnny]: You know, I never noticed the clouds and the sunsets until you kept reminding me. It’s like they were never there. [Ponyboy]: I don’t think I could ever tell Darry about it. Just you and Sodapop. Maybe Cherry Valance. [Johnny]: I guess we’re different. [Ponyboy]: Shoot kid, maybe they are.

[Johnny]: It’s like the mist is whats pretty, all gold and silver. Too bad it can’t stay like that all the time. [Ponyboy]: Nothing gold can stay. [Johnny]: Huh? [Ponyboy]: Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower. But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, so Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down today. Nothing gold… can stay. [Johnny]: Where’d you learn that? That’s what I meant. [Ponyboy]: Robert Frost wrote it. I always remembered it cos i never quite knew what he meant. [Johnny]: You know, I never noticed the clouds and the sunsets until you kept reminding me. It’s like they were never there. [Ponyboy]: I don’t think I could ever tell Darry about it. Just you and Sodapop. Maybe Cherry Valance. [Johnny]: I guess we’re different. [Ponyboy]: Shoot kid, maybe they are.

[Johnny]: Man, that was a tough car. Mustangs. They’re tough.

[Johnny]: Well, I guess we’re disguised. Shoot, Ponyboy, it’s just hair. : ‘Just hair’ nuthin’! It’s like bein’ in a Halloween costume I can’t get out of and I hate it!

[Johnny]: Well, I guess we’re disguised. Shoot, Ponyboy, it’s just hair. [Ponyboy]: ‘Just hair’ nuthin’! It’s like bein’ in a Halloween costume I can’t get out of and I hate it!

[Marcia]: Why don’t y’all sit up here with us? You can protect us!

[Nurse]: Johnny? Your mother’s here to see you. [Johnny]: I don’t wanna see her. [Nurse]: It’s your mother. [Johnny]: I said I don’t wanna see her! She’s probably hear to tell me all the trouble I’ve caused. Why don’t you just tell her to leave me a- [passes out]

[Nurse]: Johnny? Your mother’s here to see you. [Johnny]: I don’t wanna see her. [Nurse]: It’s your mother. [Johnny]: I said I don’t wanna see her! She’s probably hear to tell me all the trouble I’ve caused. Why don’t you just tell her to leave me a- [passes out]

[Ponyboy reads from a gory part of Gone with the Wind] [Johnny]: Man, that’s gross!

[Ponyboy]: Do you like fights? [Soda]: Yeah, I like fights. [Ponyboy]: How come? [Soda]: It’s a contest. Like a drag race or a dance or somethin’. [Ponyboy]: How come you like fights, Darry? [Soda]: He likes to show off his muscles! [Darry]: I’m gonna show ’em off on you, little man, if you get any mouthier.

[Ponyboy]: Hey, Soda, when’d you start shavin’? [Soda]: When I was 15. [Ponyboy]: When did Darry? [Soda]: When he was 13. Why, you thinkin’ about growin’ a beard before the rumble?

[Ponyboy]: Is that guy comin’? [Johnny]: No. [Ponyboy]: Why? Too scared? [Johnny]: No, too FAT.

[Ponyboy]: Johnny’s bein’ charged with manslaughter? And whats this ‘IF he recovers’?!?!

[Ponyboy]: Johnny, you awake? [Johnny]: Yeah. [Ponyboy]: There’s a monster outside. [Johnny]: What? …We’ll be okay, Pony.

[Ponyboy]: Man, I’m freezin’! [Dallas]: Why didn’t you bring a coat, stupid? [Ponyboy]: I forgot.

[Ponyboy]: Me and Darry’re gettin’ along real good now. Johnny, you okay? [Johnny]: Oh, yeah. It just hurts sometimes…

[Ponyboy]: This is our territory. [Johnny]: I bet they’re lookin’ for us. You wanna split? [Ponyboy]: Stay cool. [Bob]: Well look at what we have here. Aren’t these the greasers that tried to pick up on our women? [Johnny]: Hey, you’re outta your territory. Y-you guys better watch it! [Randy]: No, you better watch it pal! [Soc]: You know what a greaser is? White trash with long, greasy hair. [throws liquor on Ponyboy] [Ponyboy]: You know what a soc is? [Bob]: What? [Ponyboy]: White trash with Mustangs and madras! [spits on them and runs like hell]

[Ponyboy]: This sure makes me look tough. [Johnny]: …All right, go ahead. Get your jollies. My pleasure! [Johnny]: Yeah, I know it is. Be nice. [Ponyboy starts cutting] [Johnny]: Hey, I didn’t take that much offa you!

[Ponyboy]: You ain’t touchin’ my hair. [Johnny]: Pony, it’s gonna grow back. It’s not that it won’t. [starts cutting] [Ponyboy]: OW! [Johnny]: Damn knife… [Ponyboy]: Don’t pull so hard! [Johnny]: Quit gabbin’. [Ponyboy]: Can I see now? [Johnny]: No, we gotta bleach it first. [Ponyboy]: Then bleach it, quit cuttin’!!!

[Steve]: Beer for breakfast, Two-Bit?

[Steve]: Hate to tell you this, but you gotta wear pants to work, too. I think there’s a law or somethin’.

[Steve]: Where’s Soda and the Super-Dope anyway? [Darry]: Super what? [Steve]: All brawn no brains.

[Tim]: You and the quiet kid were the ones that killed that Soc, right? [Ponyboy]: Yeah. [Tim]: Good goin’. Curly always said you were a good kid. Curly’s in the reformatory for the next six months…

[Two-Bit]: Hey, did you see they got your picture in the paper, for bein’ a hero. [Johnny]: That’s tough enough, huh? [Two-Bit]: I guess you can look at it later. Can we get you anything? [Johnny]: A book, man. Can y’all get me another one? [Ponyboy]: I think he wants a copy of Gone With the Wind, so I can read it to him.

[Two-Bit]: Look at the blonde-headed monkey!

[Two-Bit]: Shoot, this house ain’t dirty. You oughta see my house. [Ponyboy]: I have, and if you had the sense of a billy goat you’d clean it up ‘stead of bummin’ round ours. [Two-Bit]: Shoot kid, if I did that my mom would die of shock.

[Two-Bit]: Who are these ladies, your great-grandmothers? [Johnny]: Dally was botherin’ ’em, so they asked us to sit up with them. [Two-Bit]: He was, was he? Where is old Dally, anyway? [Tim]: Yeah, where is old Dally? [Ponyboy]: …He left. [Tim]: Look, I know he slashed my tires! [Ponyboy]: Really, Tim, he left. You guys seen Dally? [all]: No. [Tim]: Well, I’ll be lookin’ for him [leaves]. [Two-Bit]: Dally got a blade? [Johnny]: I don’t think so. [Two-Bit]: Good deal. Tim’ll fight fair if he don’t. [Cherry]: I hope you’re not gettin’ rough? [Two-Bit]: A fair fight ain’t rough. [Cherry]: Yeah sure, real simple. [Marcia]:Yeah, if he gets killed, you can just bury him no sweat!

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Outsiders, The’: Quotes from the movie ‘Outsiders, The’

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