And now, by the power vested in me, I declare this rehearsal over. And Amen.
Did I ever tell you what my middle name was?
I can hardly wait till we’re married – I never have to have sex with you again.
I can’t believe I have to face a class of 8-year-olds tomorrow.
I know I’ve teased you both about the pitfalls of marriage throughout the years, but I just want to say – why didn’t you listen? I mean, it’s not too late, man. You’ve been shackin’ up for years. It worked out perfectly. I mean, I got a tankful of gas. We can head to the Mexican border right now.
I know I’ve teased you both about the pitfalls of marriage throughout the years, but I just want to say – why didn’t you listen? I mean, it’s not too late, man. You’ve been shackin’ up for years. It worked out perfectly. I mean, I got a tankful of gas. We can heat to the Mexican border right now.
I perceive a homoerotic subtext here. Down and dirty.
Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that your mother had sexual intercourse with Frank Sinatra, and that that’s why you’re named Frank.
Make sure you have me over for dinner a lot.
The thing about marriage, man – it’s not like poker, you know, where you’re sitting at a table and you’ve got a bad streak going. You can just walk away. You can just get out of there. But poker – you know, marriage is – you gotta stay there, and you keep getting the bad hands, and you’re losing your money, and you lose, and you lose, and you lose, and it can break you. And you can leave with nothing.
We’re running a little short on the bloody marriage mix.
We’ve got a little machine at home that exercises that forgiveness muscle.
Why do you think they wear white? So you can imagine them as virginal and pure and then fantasize about defiling them.
You know, I can always tell when you’re bullshitting.
Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Sleep with Me’: Quotes from the movie ‘Sleep with Me’