Movie Quotes from Sleeper: Quotes from the movie Sleeper

–It’s hard to believe that you haven’t had sex for 200 years.
–204, if you count my marriage.

–Miles, do you know that ‘God’ spelled backwards is ‘dog’?
–It makes you think.

–So, then what do you believe in?
–Sex and death. Two things that come once in a lifetime. But at
least after death you are not nauseous.

1) Everyone you knew in the past has been dead for nearly 200 years. 2) But they all ate organic rice!

1. Nobody move or i’ll shoot your president. 2. He’ll do it. He’ll do it. I’ve seen him shoot a nose before.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. A nose for a nose. I don’t know what that means but it sounds brilliant.

I haven’t seen my analyst in 200 years. He was a strict Freudian. If
I’d been going all this time, I’d probably almost be cured by now.

I once asked my mom where babies came from and she thought i said where does rabies come from. then a few weeks later one of my neighbors had triplets and thought she got bit by a great dane.

I’m a teleological, existential agnostic.

It’s a ‘New York Times’ – be careful – from 1990. ‘Pope’s wife gives birth to twins.’

It’s something I like to call the Pinocchio effect whereby the square root of the proboscis is equal to the sum of the sinuses.

Luna: It’s keen. It’s pure keen. No, no, it’s greater than keen…it’s kugat.

Miles, have you ever taken a serious political stance before ?
Yes, once for 24 hours, I refused to eat grapes.

Miles: My brain? But that’s my 2nd favorite organ.

Miles: (starting up the abandoned VW Beetle) Boy, they really built these things, didn’t they?

Miss Montana: I would use my title to bring peace to all the people of the world…be they black, be they white, be they yellow, be they… whatever.

My doctor said I would be up in 5 days. He was off by 199 years.

My Doctor said i’d be back on my feet in 5 days. He was off by 199 years.

Observing Doctor: …What do you have under your mask?
Miles: Nothing! Why? Does it look excessively bulbous?

Oh my God, I beat a man insensible with a strawberry.

Science is an intellectual dead end, you know? It’s a lot of little
guys in tweed suits cutting up frogs on foundation grants.

She thought i was a pervert because i drank our water bed.

Take her in! We’ll have her reprogrammed!

That’s a big chicken.

That’s deep! You’re so obviously influenced by McKuen.

The patients name is Miles Monroe. It says here he was the part owner of the Happy Carrot health food store on Bleeker Street, wherever that was. Also, he was a clarinet player for a band called the Ragtime Rascals.

We’re here to see the nose, I heard it was running.

What kind of government you guys got here? This is worse than

Woody Allen upon being given a futuristic mechanical dog as a pet, TELL ME, IS IT HOUSEBROKEN OR DOES IT JUST LEAVE LITTLE BATTERIES ON THE CARPET?

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Sleeper’: Quotes from the movie ‘Sleeper’

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