Movie Quotes from Unbreakable: Quotes from the movie Unbreakable

(1) Do you think you could beat up Bruce Lee?
(2) No, Joseph.
(1) Even if he wasn’t allowed to kick, and you were really mad at him?

(1) I’m gonna ask you a question, and it’s going to sound a little weird, so just think about it. Do you remember me ever being sick?
(2) I, I don’t, I can’t remember…
(1) No cold, no fever, no headache, isn’t that a little weird? What do you think it means?

1) is that ur dad? 2) ya pause 1) i bet my dad could beat ur dad up

1-How much weight did you put on there? 2-All of it!

Elijah Price: Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world, to not know why you’re here. That’s… it’s just an awful feeling.

And they called me Mr Glass

Character One: This is one of Johann Davis’s earliest drawings. See the villain’s eyes? They’re larger than the other characters’. They – insinuate a slightly skewed perspective on how they see the world. Just off normal.

Character Two: Doesn’t look scary.

Character One: Mm-hmm. That’s what I said to my son. But he says there’s always two kinds; there’s the soldier villain – who fights the hero with his hands; and then there’s the real threat – the brilliant and evil archenemy – who fights the hero with his mind.

Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not, know why you’re here.

Do you think you could beat up Bruce Lee?

Friends don’t shoot friends.

Heroes dont die like that,normal people do,right?

I believe comic book heroes walk the earth, I believe you are one of those individuals. It’s time for someone like you.

I only wanna shoot him once.

In a comic do you know how you can always tell who the arch villan’s going to be? He’s the exact opposite of the hero, and ussually they’re friend like you and me.

it wont’t hurt, i’ll only shoot him once

It’s because of the kids. They called me Mr. Glass.

It’s not Now that we know who you are, I finally know who I am. , its just Now that we know who you are, I know who I am.

So many times I questioned myself. So many sacrifices, just to find you.

Life wasn’t made for little boxes that were drawn for it.

Midnight rider.

Now that we know who you are, I finally know who I am.

Some things are only revealed by accident.

They called me, Mr. Glass.

You’re the only one that survived. And there’s not a scratch on you.

Page Topic: Movie Quotes from ‘Unbreakable’: Quotes from the movie ‘Unbreakable’

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