Best Famous Quotes by: Moshe Arens, Pietro Aretino, Ludovico Ariosto, Aristophanes, Aristophenes, Aristotle, Richard Willard Armour, Louis Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, Janos Arnay, Edwin L. Arnold, George Arnold, Heini Arnold, Matthew Arnold, Oren Arnold, Thomas Arnold, Raymond Claud Ferdinan Aron, Francois Arouet, Sir William Arthur, George Asaf, Maduro Ash, Mary Kay Ash, Sir Eric Ashby, John Ashcroft, Arthur Ashe, Jan Ashford, Elizabeth Ashley, William Ashley, and Alan Ashley-Pitt

Best Moshe Arens Quotes: The most famous quotes by Moshe Arens Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 2 or 8. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. — Moshe Arens Never answer a hypothetical question. — Moshe Arens Failure is the opportunity to … Read more

Best Famous Quotes by: Eric Anderson, Hans Christian Anderson, Jack Anderson, Jeremy S. Anderson, Joan Wester Anderson, Laurie Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Marian Anderson, Poul Anderson, Roger Anderson, Sherwood Anderson, Susan Butler Anderson, Walter Anderson, Fernandez de Andrada, Mario Andretti, Cecil Andrus, Ethel Perry Andrus, Rene Angelil, Maya Angelou, Joan Walsh Anglund, Earnst Angst, Jennifer Aniston, Edith Ann, Anne, Anon., Anonymous, Jean Anouilh, Clare Ansberry, Ruth Nanda Anshen, and Louis K. Anspacher

Best Eric Anderson Quotes: The most famous quotes by Eric Anderson It is only by introducing the young to great literature, drama and music, and to the excitement of great science that we open to them the possibilities that lie within the human spirit — enable them to see visions and dream dreams. — Eric … Read more

Best Famous Quotes by: Robert Anthony, Susan B. Anthony, Antiphanes, Antisthenes, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Minna Thomas Antrim, Hadewijch of Antwerp, Gloria Anzaldua, Stan Aogartem, Guillaume Apollinaire, Aharon Appelfeld, Appianus, John A. Appleman, Sir Edward Appleton, Aprocrypha, Apuleius, Aquaviva, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Corazn Cojuangco Aquino, Julie Arabi, Yassir Arafat, Detronius Arbiter, Dr. Arbthnot, Diane Arbus, Arcesilaus, Marcel Archard, Archilocus, Archimedes, Mark Ardis, and Hannah Arendt

Best Robert Anthony Quotes: The most famous quotes by Robert Anthony Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable, than risk being happy. — Robert Anthony The one who loves the least, controls the relationship. — Robert Anthony Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle. — Robert Anthony If you are … Read more