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Best Sylvia Bremer Quotes: The most famous quotes by Sylvia Bremer The finest kind of friendship is between people who expect a great deal of each other but never ask it. — Sylvia Bremer Best Stephen A. Brennan Quotes: The most famous quotes by Stephen A. Brennan Our goals can only be reached through a … Read more

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Best Nathaniel Borenstein Quotes: The most famous quotes by Nathaniel Borenstein The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That’s where we come in we’re computer professionals. We cause accidents. — Nathaniel Borenstein Best Victor Borge Quotes: The most famous quotes by Victor Borge Laughter is the … Read more

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Best John Blofeld Quotes: The most famous quotes by John Blofeld If being wealthy is taken to mean having the means to satisfy one’s every want, all but the very poor can become rich as thou at a single stroke of a magician’s wand, simply by ceasing to want more than is really necessary for … Read more