English Bulldog Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the English Bulldog Dog breed

  The English Bulldog breed is one of the most recognizable breeds in the world, for a number of reasons. They are expensive, but these dogs can make wonderful companions and can literally become a part of the family. Breeding for the English Bulldog has been done well, so the breed has maintained its original … Read more

Dalmatian Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the Dalmatian Dog breed

  Dalmatian puppies have long been the subject of firefighter lore and many dog owners love them as a pet. The Dalmatian breed itself is a very aggressive one, so not every homeowner is well suited to own one. Their beauty and reputation have made them a popular pick over the years, though. For some, … Read more

Weimaraner Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the Weimaraner Dog breed

  As a dog of distinction, the Weimaraner has established itself as one of the most popular pets for home and for show. The breed originally comes from Germany, where a long line of its ancestors spent countless hours roaming the forests with their masters. Today, the Weimaraner breed is one of the most respected … Read more