Cocker Spaniel Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the Cocker Spaniel Dog breed

A Cocker Spaniel can come in many different colors and each one has its own distinct personality. Cocker Spaniel puppies are beautiful, intelligent creatures that love being a part of the family. After getting a Cocker Spaniel, it won’t take long to discover why this dog is one of the most popular pets in the … Read more

Dalmatian Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the Dalmatian Dog breed

As the subject of a popular movie and the cause of fireman lore, the Dalmatian is one of the most famous breeds of dog in the United States. Dalmatians puppies are gorgeous animals that are capable of doing lots of things. Older Dalmatians have a characteristic look with lots of black spots dotting a white … Read more

Pomeranian Puppy Pics and Info: Pictures and information about the Pomeranian Dog breed

The Pomeranian is one of the best small dog breeds on earth in terms of friendliness and intelligence. These qualities along are enough to make the Pomeranian a perfect house pet. There is much more to the Pomeranian, though. They are not only friendly and smart, but they have a beautiful appearance and a coat … Read more